Explain how race is socially constructed - digitales.com.au

Explain how race is socially constructed Video

Race \u0026 Ethnicity: Crash Course Sociology #34 explain how race is socially constructed

Mills maintained throughout The Sociological Imagination that it is very difficult for most individuals in society to link their personal troubles to the socio-cultural institutions in https://digitales.com.au/blog/wp-content/custom/japan-s-impact-on-japan/what-are-black-codes-and-jim-crow-laws.php they live. In this paper, you are to use your sociological imagination to analyze a personal problem, past or present, connecting it to a broader social issue embedded in a social and historical context. Here is the assignment: 1. You may think of something that is worrying you now.

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You can also analyze the situation of a person close to you if their experience affected you and you know it well enough personally to write in depth about it. Choose a situation that is easily explained through a variety of sociological concepts!

explain how race is socially constructed

Describe what led up to the situation, its resolution if applicable, the whys, who else is involved and what their roles are, etc. Next, applying your sociological imagination, explain the situation sociologically and how society at large has affected the situation.

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Discuss the larger social forces that connect your personal situation to larger, related social issues. Use terms and concepts from the different chapters and readings Conley textbookthe Galen College online library, discussions, and lectures. You may need to emphasize somepartsofyoursituationoverothersinordertoincludeavarietyofcomplexconcepts.

explain how race is socially constructed

Cite as many social trends and statistics from the Conley text, outside sources from the Galen College online librarydiscussions, and lectures, relevant to your situation For example, ls rates for various social categories of people vary as do poverty rates, crime and victimization rates, suicide rates, etc. You may need to do some outside research to find relevant statistics. You may also need to research within our textbook for sections you are not required to read — make good use of the index and the online library!

explain how race is socially constructed

Cite the pages your information is from within your paper. If you desire, you may use statistics found on websites, but this is not a requirement. Avoid a focus on individualistic, psychological explanations about stress, personality, feelings, personal achievements and characteristics, etc. Refer specifically to information discussed in class, in the texts, and readings and link as many social trends, statistics, cultural values, social policies, or group socally as possible to your situation!

Your grade is determined by how well you can utilize the terminology and language of sociology you are learning in this course.

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The following content 5 elements must be included see rubric : a. A sufficient amount of sociological terms and concepts c. A variety of terms and concepts from a wide variety of chapters and subjects use info from at least 3 different Conley chapters and at least 1 outside source from the Galen College online library d. At least one theory Use a critical reflexive style — write in the first person and include yourself in your rce

One thought on “Explain how race is socially constructed

  1. Rather amusing idea

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