First monotheistic culture -

First monotheistic culture

First monotheistic culture Video

The Big Story: Origins of Religion

First monotheistic culture - personal

Monotheism is the belief in one god. A distinction may be made between exclusive monotheism, and both inclusive monotheism and pluriform panentheistic monotheism which, while recognising various distinct gods, postulate some underlying unity. Monotheism is distinguished from henotheism , a religious system in which the believer worships one god without denying that others may worship different gods with equal validity, and monolatrism , the recognition of the existence of many gods but with the consistent worship of only one deity. Quasi-monotheistic claims of the existence of a universal deity date to the Late Bronze Age , with Akhenaten 's Great Hymn to the Aten. A possible inclination towards monotheism emerged during the Vedic period [17] in Iron-Age South Asia. The Rigveda exhibits notions of monism of the Brahman , particularly in the comparatively late tenth book , [18] which is dated to the early Iron Age , e. Since the sixth century BCE, Zoroastrians have believed in the supremacy of one God above all: Ahura Mazda as the "Maker of All" [19] and the first being before all others. first monotheistic culture first monotheistic culture

Many religions in the world are classified as monotheistic, and the preeminent examples are JudaismChristianity, and Islam. Often contrasted with polytheism worship of many gods and not to be confused with henotheism the belief in one god over and above other gods that existmonotheism is often touted first monotheistic culture the highest form of religious belief held by humanity, according to its advocates. The idea of one true God, who is the creator of the world, has been first monotheistic culture powerful force in crafting the self-identity and growth of the Abrahamic religionsas well as having galvanized the concept of a shared humanity that is united in religious brotherhood. However, in many cases, the desire to assert the dominion of the allegedly one and only true Culyure has often lead to violence and intolerance.

first monotheistic culture

Yet, for as long as humanity has been religious, monotheism has been an important category in the study and practice of religion. Monotheism is perhaps the most discussed and debated category of religious classification.


Unlike other religious classifications, monotheism has often been associated with an "ideal" for which all religions should strive. Many faiths have put forward great amounts of effort to champion monotheism, considering it to be the supreme form of religiosity. Monotheism has even been, on occasion, placed on a pedestal in academia—religious scholars and theologians viewed it for decades first monotheistic culture the most "rational" way of conceiving of God —and often placed on an evolutionary hierarchy above more "primitive" ways of viewing divinity such as polytheism or animism. The term "monotheism" was coined in by Henry Morea member of the Monotheistix Platonistsin order to better organize and categorize religions on a continuum as progressing in an evolution from "primitive" levels such as animism through to polytheism, eventually ending up at monotheism. Monotheism was seen as the most "civilized" notion for conceiving of divinity and placed at the top of this hierarchy.

Although the theory of "Ur-monotheism" or original monotheism was put forward by Wilhelm Schmidt in a series of volumes beginning in to claim, in direct opposition to this evolutionary viewpoint, that monotheism was the original belief of humankind, here that subsequent beliefs such as polydaemonism and first monotheistic cultureamong others, gradually arose out of the degeneration of this primordial mojotheistic, nevertheless this theory has been largely discredited in academic circles.

Monotheism has been found in a variety of cultures around the world, and is not exclusive to technologically advanced societies.

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However, scholars dispute the exact origin monotheisic monotheism. Some suggest that monotheism first arose in the religion of Zoroastrianism. First monotheistic culture have argued that Egypt was the birthplace of monotheism, while Jews often consider their religion to be the original form of monotheism. Among these theories, Zoroastrianism has wide support for being the earliest example of monotheistic belief in history. Zarathustra founded Zoroastrianism sometime during the long time-span between the eighteenth and sixth centuries B. In doing so, he unified the various notions of divinity found within these faiths into one all-encompassing deity called Ahura Mazda.

first monotheistic culture

It is said that Ahura Mazda implements his will on the world by way of six angelsor First monotheistic culture Spentas, which represent indispensable moral principles. Ahura Mazda is described as inherently good, just and moral, and as such creates only good things. As for the existence of evilthis is explained by two subsidiary spirits who Ahura Mazda is said to have fathered.

Spenta Manyu is the good one, while Angra Manyu is evil; because of the polarity of their natures, these two spirits were said to have feuded since the beginning of time.]

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