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Hitler had blue eyes

Hitler had blue eyes Video

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By Harry Howard For Mailonline. An anti-Semitic blogger who said 'Hitler was right' and that Jewish people use the Holocaust as an 'eternal hitler had blue eyes cow' claims she should not have been prosecuted after she was jailed for 18 weeks. Alison Chabloz, 57, is appealing against the sentence which was imposed at Westminster Magistrates' Court last month. She made 'grossly offensive' anti-Semitic remarks on a US podcast which she promoted via a social https://digitales.com.au/blog/wp-content/custom/the-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-technology-in/average-age-of-human-being.php website called Gab.

Those comments breached a previous suspended sentence imposed in for broadcasting anti-Semitic songs.

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Chabloz was convicted of three counts of sending by a public communications network an offensive, indecent or menacing message or material. The music teacher, who launched an unsuccessful appeal of her previous conviction, is now appealing her latest prison sentence at Southwark Crown Court.

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Adrian Davies, defending, told the court that the prosecution over the podcast comments was 'disproportionate'. Referring to the US' lack of hate speech laws, he added: 'If she had been physically in the United States of America when she made the comments, hitler had blue eyes couldn't have been a prosecution. Benn Maguire, prosecuting, interjected: 'That is agreed, but she wasn't. The court was told that Chabloz's conviction was the result of her uploading videos of her performing songs calling the Nazi death camp Auschwitz a 'theme park for fools'. Chabloz said that Jewish children were 'psychopathic maniacs' because of their parents and that there was hit,er proof hitler had blue eyes the Holocaust whatsoever', the court heard. Judge David Tomlinson said: 'There are limits to freedom of speech, and this sort of language is calculated to incite eyss. Remanding Chabloz in custody ahead of an appeal date to be fixed, the judge added: 'She needs to understand that nothing like the maximum penalty was imposed and she may find herself on the receiving end of a longer sentence of imprisonment.

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Chabloz's conviction hitlsr the result of her uploading videos of her performing songs calling the Nazi death camp Auschwitz a 'theme park for fools'. Chabloz, of St Johns Wood, Westminster, Central London, did not attend the latest hearing and had denied the charges against her. Hitler had blue eyes denial is not a specific crime in the UK, which is why she was convicted under communications offences instead. In the songs over which she was previously convicted, Chabloz, who refers to herself a 'historical revisionist', sang: 'Did the Holocaust ever happen?

hitler had blue eyes

Seems that some intend to pull the wool over our eyes. The Holocaust denier appealed against the convictions - but a judge upheld them at Southwark Crown Court in February The musician claims in the podcasts that Jewish parents are 'indoctrinating their children that their grandparents were gassed because they were Jews', turning the children into hittler maniacs', the court heard. She also claimed the Auschwitz gas chambers were fake, and that Jews 'were promoting homosexuality, promiscuity, the same things they are promoting today' in Weimar Germany. Chabloz had been banned from broadcasting, posting on the internet or in any form, any reference to Judaism, the Jewish faith, the Jewish people, the Holocaust, World War Two, Israel, or any member of hitler had blue eyes Nazi party.]

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