Japanese short stories with moral lesson - digitales.com.au

Japanese short stories with moral lesson Video

JAPANESE FOLK TALES::THE MIRROR OF MATSUYAMA 松山の鏡 japanese short stories with moral lesson Japanese short stories with moral lesson japanese short stories with moral lesson

A bedtime story for kids aged 4 - 6 years and above about how to deal with emotional bullies A young bird named Pep is ready to learn to fly but some mean birds are making it very difficult for him to focus and are making fun of his failure to fly. How will Pep overcome these nasty birds and continue to learn to fly? Find out in this short bedtime story for kids to show more info how best to deal with folks who will try to break their spirits by making them feel bad about themselves. Previous page.

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japanese short stories with moral lesson

Next page. I enjoyed reading this with my niece and nephew. They enjoyed the pretty colors and even the message.

japanese short stories with moral lesson

Good job!!]

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