Manichean philosophy -

Manichean philosophy manichean philosophy

The Ancient Philosophy which we have just finished showed the development and maturity of rational thinking. During the Medieval Period, philosophy was raised to another level as it witnessed a dialogue between itself philosophy and the revealed Christian faith.

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It was however, not a dialogue of conflict it was manichean philosophy a dialogue of understanding and cooperation that leads to a harmony between them. Medieval philosophy is the kind of philosophy that came out during the Medieval or the Middle Ages which spans between the 4th — 15th Centuries. We must begin by stating a wellknown fact that Christianity is not puilosophy philosophy but a revealed religion that leads to salvation.

manichean philosophy

But the two are not in opposition because the truth of reason does not contradict the revealed truth. Christianity first encountered philosophy in the Areopagus of Athens.

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This encounter however, was not a pleasant one because of manichean philosophy distrust that existed between the two. On the one philosopher ridiculed the wisdom of Christ as foolishness and looked at it with contempt. On the other hand, Christians were suspicious of.

manichean philosophy

But the good news is that, the newly converted philosophers into Christianity did not just abandon their natural wisdom. They put it to use in the service of Christ: Justin Manichean philosophy and Clement of Alexander are instances of this.

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Others like Clement and Eusebius of Caesarea saw Greek philosophy as preparing the way for the acceptance of the gospel of Christ. This was the beginning of greater collaboration between philosophy and Christian faith.

manichean philosophy

Origin used philosophy to explain and defend Christian dogma. Methodius of Olypus became a great admirer of Plato.]

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