Marx and weber -

Marx and weber

Marx and weber - remarkable

How do Marx, Durkheim, and Weber understand the individual and society? How does each theorist see the relationship between the individual and society? Use sociological examples of your choice and concepts that each thinker was famous for. Please bring your attention to the following — Answer should be at least words in length You must provide word count at the end of each answer — Use spell checker and make sure your answers are well edited. We are a professional custom writing website. If you have searched a question and bumped into our website just know you are in the right place to get help in your coursework. We have posted over our previous orders to display our experience. marx and weber

The issue of inequality has been widely discussed in many different contexts during various periods of human history. The fate of Australian aborigines requires special attention, due to its importance in the modern Australian society. They state that most of the problems which they are currently facing come from their inequality in the society.

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They are destined to suffer from high rates of unemployment, racism, shorter life expectancy, high mortality rates among children and many other problems. Aborigines claim that they do not have equal opportunities with other members of society, and therefore they are not able to enjoy benefits of Australian society as much as other Australians.

Karl Marx argued in his theory that dominant class digestive tract working class in the society, which leads to alienation and estrangement of the working marx and weber from the results of its work. An important thesis which supports the main idea of the article is that, according to Marx, laws have been designed to serve the interests of capitalism and the ruling class of capitalists. Therefore, the laws in Australian society have been created to serve the interests of the dominant class and oppress aborigines.

Karl Marx Alienation

As Marx claimed, capitalists are able marx and weber oppress the working class with the help of the laws which exist in the society. Every single law which regulates the relations in the society is created in order to further increase the gap between the ruling class and the working class. Working people get poorer and poorer the more they produce because capitalists take the surplus value which they create. Laws let capitalists obtain the profits which are originated by companies. Even though working people would probably like to change the law and be capable to benefit from the results of their own work, they are not able to do that because they do not have enough power.

Essay on Karl Marx's Estranged Labor

Aborigines would like to change here law in such a way so that they are able to get all of the benefits from the society in the same manner as the ruling class is getting them. Unfortunately, they are not marx and weber to do that because the laws in Australian society have been created to serve the interests of the ruling elite. As the positivist approach argues, capitalists have their own subjective perceptions of the society and thus the laws are being used in order to put their subjective views on the paper. Capitalists have their views on the ways in which they would like to see the world they live in.

marx and weber

They do their best marx and weber ensure that the laws are adopted to regulate the society according to the most favorable pattern for According to it, law also serves the interests of capitalists but it appears weer the result of the objective process.

Capitalists dominate in the society and therefore the trends in legislation which serve their interests are fully objective. It is understandable that legislation needs to reflect the interests of the ruling class, and therefore this process is fully objective. Current legislation which exists in Australia was not formed as the result of objective process.

Instead, it was imposed on Australian people in order to oppress them. European colonizers arrived in Australia a wsber centuries ago, and it was very important for them to ensure that indigenous people in Australia followed the laws which were beneficial for the conquerors. The first steps which were taken by the colonizers included expropriation of lands originally owned by them.

The go here steps were both positive and negative. On one hand, colonizers offered new health and educational benefits to the aborigines, which improved their lifestyle.

On the other hand, aborigines saw the oppression of their culture. For example, they were not allowed to speak their native language in many situations, and marx and weber of aborigines were taken from their families.

marx and weber

Aborigines did not need Europeans to dictate them their policy in everything; they would much rather prefer to carry out decisions on their own, as they marx and weber in previous years. They wanted to participate in the legislative process in the country when it comes to their rights and duties.

Unfortunately, they never got a chance for that. Some changes have been recently made in order to improve the situation, marx and weber they are not sufficient in this situation, as Marx would mark. The number of problems from which Australian natives are currently suffering is literally overwhelming, and small change in legislation will not be able to minimize their effect significantly.

The expectancy of live of male aborigines is still 21 year shorter than other male Australians.]

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