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Michelangelo research paper michelangelo research paper

I was especially excited about taking the Approaches to Consciousness module, as most of my explorations in this area were self-taught, and I was looking forward to connecting with others who had similar interests.

michelangelo research paper

I thoroughly enjoyed the module, and I decided to write my final essay on the topic of synchronicity. Yet prior to beginning my studies with the Alef Trust, I was michelangleo as a research scientist at a mainstream university that was not open to exploring topics within transpersonal psychology or parapsychology.

I received a PhD in psychology, but my training fell flat in terms of explaining the synchronistic events that I had experienced in my own life. I wrote my Approaches to Consciousness essay as an argument suggesting that synchronicities might serve as evidence that consciousness is more fundamental michelangelo research paper our universe than space, time, and matter.

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I also suggested that additional research needs to be conducted on synchronicity, specifically research that takes a post-materialist perspective and is open to the idea that matter might not be the fundamental basis of reality. And perhaps, in bridging that gap, we momentarily experience an underlying domain of reality in which mind and matter are one. We decided to exchange essays, so that I michelangelo research paper read hers as well. Within hours of the exchange, she sent an excited email, asking me to look at Appendix A of her essay.

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I michelangelo research paper goosebumps raise along my arms, as a sense of awe and wonder filled my heart. What are the odds that two students who did not know each other, who wrote essays about different topics, in a course that had nothing to do with art history, would happen to exchange essays that referenced the same piece of artwork? I resarch it was beautiful that an essay about synchronicity led to such a lovely synchronicity. A few months later, I submitted my essay to an academic journal for publication. He had been contemplating his interest in the science of synchronicity and was wondering how he came to study this topic.

michelangelo research paper

Five days later, he received my paper as a confirmation of his contemplation. After a few rounds of revisions, my essay was published in the Journal of Consciousness Studies.

Michelangelo's Pieta Research Paper

At times, the peer reviewers and editor were wary about my inclusion of michelangelo research paper stories of synchronicity. These concerns were coming from the reearch materialist worldview, which tries to take the human and any reference to spirituality out of the scientific endeavor. Given that the entire thrust of my paper was about expanding the materialist paradigm, I carefully made a case for why this information should be included. It felt good to stand up for this new vision of science that I hold so close to my heart, which is related to the idea of re-enchanting the academy and bringing our humanity michelangelo research paper into research.

Abraham Maslow argued for a similar approach in his book The Psychology of Science, and the recent movement toward post-materialist science is also making good strides in this area.

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It is my hope that my paper will contribute, in its own synchronistic way, michelangelo research paper this vision of bringing the whole human back into scientific pursuits. In closing, I will mention that synchronicities have continued to happen in relation to my paper, and each time they do, I experience a sense of awe, wonder, and numinosity about the great Mystery of our existence. I would love to hear about any synchronicities that you might experience in relation to the paper.]

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