Nightingales theory of environment -

Nightingales theory of environment Video

Florene Nightingale's Environmental Theory nightingales theory of environment

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The next part is an in-depth discussion about her Environmental Theory, its metaparadigm, major, and subconcepts, including its application to nursing practice. Nightingale is the first nurse theorist well-known for developing the Environmental Theory that revolutionized nursing practices to create sanitary conditions for patients to get care.

nightingales theory of environment

She is recognized as the founder of modern nursing. Florence Nightingale was born on May 12,in Nightingale, Italy. She was the younger of two children.

nightingales theory of environment

Her British family belonged to elite social circles. Her father, William Shore Nightingale, a wealthy landowner who had inherited two estates—one at Lea Hurst, Derbyshire, and the other in Hampshire, Embley Park Nightingale was 5 years old. Her mother, Frances Nightingale, hailed from a family of merchants and took pride in socializing with prominent social standing people.

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She preferred to avoid being the center of attention whenever possible. Strong-willed, Nightingale often butted heads with her mother, whom she viewed as overly controlling. Still, like many daughters, she was eager to please her mother.

nightingales theory of environment

Florence Nightingale was raised on the family estate at Lea Hurst, where her father provided her with a classical education, including German, French, and Italian studies. As for being homeschooled by her parents and tutors, Nightingale gained excellence in Mathematics. Nightingalds seventeen, she decided to dedicate her life to medical care for the sick resulting in a lifetime commitment to speak out, educate, overhaul and sanitize the appalling health care conditions in England.

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Only envigonment her decision to enter the field infollowing her desire to be a nursewas not easy for Florence Nightingale. As a woman, Nightingale was beautiful and charming that made every man like her. However, she rejected a suitor, Richard Monckton Milnes, 1st Baron Houghton, because she nightingales theory of environment that entertaining men would interfere with the process. The income given to her by her father during this time allowed her to pursue her career and still live comfortably.]

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