Non violent civil disobedience -

Non violent civil disobedience Video

Thoreau and Civil Disobedience non violent civil disobedience

History of Mass Nonviolent Action. The use of nonviolence runs throughout history. There have been numerous instances of people courageously and non violent civil disobedience refusing cooperation with injustice. However, disobediencf fusion of organized mass struggle and nonviolence is relatively new. It originated largely with Mohandas Gandhi in at the onset of the South African campaign for Indian rights. Later, the Indian struggle for complete independence from the British Empire included a number of spectacular nonviolent campaigns.

Perhaps the most notable mental illness about essay the year-long Salt campaign in whichIndians were jailed for deliberately violating the Salt Laws. The refusal to counter the violence of the repressive social system with more violence is a tactic that disobediene also been used by other movements. The militant campaign for women's suffrage in Britain included a variety of nonviolent tactics such as boycotts, noncooperation, limited property destruction, civil disobedience, mass marches and demonstrations, filling the jails, and disruption of public ceremonies.

The Salvadoran people have used nonviolence as one powerful and necessary element of their struggle. Particularly during the s and 70s, Christian based communities, labor unions, campesino organizations, and student groups held occupations and sit-ins at universities, government offices, and places of non violent civil disobedience such as factories and haciendas.

There is rich tradition of nonviolent protest in this country as well, including Harriet Tubman's underground railroad during the civil war and Henry David Thoreau's refusal to pay war taxes.

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Nonviolent civil disobedience was a critical factor in gaining women the right to vote in the United States, as well. The U. Using mass nonviolent action, the civil rights movement changed the face of the South. The successful Montgomery bus boycott electrified the nation. Opponents of the Vietnam War non violent civil disobedience the use of draft card burnings, draft file destruction, mass de.

Since the mids, we have seen increasing nonviolent activity against the nuclear arms race and nuclear power industry. Nonviolent civil disobedience actions have taken place at dozens of nuclear weapons research installations, storage areas, missile silos, test sites, military bases, corporate and government offices and nuclear power plants.

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In the late s mass civil disobedience actions took place at nuclear power plants from Seabrook, New Hampshire to the Diablo Canyon reactor in California and most states in between in this country and in other countries around the world. Inpeople were arrested at the U. In the late 80s a series of actions took place at the Nevada test site. International disarmament actions changed world opinion about nuclear weapons. In women who were concerned with the destruction of the Earth and who were interested in exploring the connections between feminism and nonviolence non violent civil disobedience coming together.

In November of and the Women's Pentagon Actions, where hundreds of women came together to challenge patriarchy and militarism, took place. A movement grew that found ways to use direct action to put pressure on the military establishment and to show positive examples of life-affirming ways to live together. This movement spawned women's peace camps at military bases around the world from Greenham Common, England to Puget Sound Peace Camp in Washington state, with camps in Japan and Italy among others. The anti-apartheid movement in the 80s has built upon the powerful non violent civil disobedience empowering use of civil disobedience by the civil rights movement in the 60s.

In November ofa campaign began that involved daily civil disobedience in front of the South African Embassy. People, including members of Congress, national labor and religious leaders, celebrities, students, community leaders, teachers, and others, risked arrest every weekday for over a year. In the end over 3, people were arrested protesting apartheid and U. At the same time, support actions for this non violent civil disobedience were held in 26 major Cities, resulting in an additional 5, arrests.

We also saw civil disobedience being incorporated as a key tactic in the movement against intervention in Central America. Beginning innational actions at the White House and State Department as well read article local actions began to spread.]

One thought on “Non violent civil disobedience

  1. Till what time?

  2. Very curious topic

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