Patriot act controversial -

Patriot act controversial

Patriot act controversial Video

Senate fails to take action on the controversial Patriot Act

Patriot act controversial - think

The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts. Controversy over legislative bill names is hardly new. Politicians have long used bill titles as a marketing vehicle, concocting sometimes misleading and outlandish monikers to get media attention, drum up support — who can be against leaving no child behind? Stark Naked Act Sometimes the whole point of legislation is to get a conversation going and show the public that a lawmaker or a political party cares about an issue. Pete Stark, D-Calif. President George W. patriot act controversial.

The NSA and those controversy surveillance programs, gathering information on private phone records and e-mails.

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Tonight on hold, as lawmakers debate the patriot act. Many are asking, who is now tracking the so-called patriot act controversial wolves in this country in the meantime? Reporter: For nearly 24 hours now, the program that gathers and searches American's phone records has been shut down. The bulk data program, revealed by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, one of the parts of the patriot act that is now expired. And law enforcement, tonight, are more worried about other parts which leave them partially blind.

patriot act controversial

So, I'm left looking for needles in a haystack, where the needles are increasingly invisible to me. Reporter: Expired -- roving wire taps, which allow law enforcement to follow a terrorist and not just on one phone.

patriot act controversial

If a suspect changes phones, even multiple times, the tracking continues. Expired -- lone wolf tracking. Investigators could track a suspect without a subpoena.

Stark Naked Act

Now they will have to go to court for each case. And if I lose those tools, it is a huge problem. Reporter: As of tonight, those controverzial are gone patriot act controversial of a political fight here. They should be reinstated later in the week, but between now and then, law enforcement says its job will be tougher.

David Kerley on capitol hill for us. The Senate was unable to prevent a controversial surveillance program from expiring.]

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