Plutarch pericles -

Plutarch pericles

Plutarch pericles Video

In Our Time: S23/01 Pericles (Sept 17 2020) plutarch pericles

It is not clear whether Heliaia was instituted by Cleisthenes or Solonbut it seems that the latter initiated a function of the Plutarch pericles to sit as an appeals court. If any unqualified person participated in a jury, then information was laid against him and he was brought before the Heliaia. If convicted the court could assess against him whatever punishment or fine he how race is socially constructed thought to deserve.

If the punishment was a money fine, then the infringer had to go to prison until he had paid both the former debt, for which the information was laid, and whatever additional sum had been imposed on him as a fine by the court. The public office of the heliast was not obligatory, but the citizens who wished to exert these duties had to submit a petition. The post of the dikast was salaried [5] and, thereby, the jurors were remunerated for each day of employment with one obolus and later, at the instigation of Kleon plutarch pericles in BC with three oboloi, plutarch pericles.

According to Plutarch pericles[6] Pericles first made service in the jury-courts a paid office, as a popular counter-measure against Cimon's wealth. The 6, were drawn from the 10 tribes each tribe was offering members and they were divided into chambers of jurymen, or of whom were regular members, with the rest constituting alternate jurors. In exceptional cases the court could go into plenary sessions. Initially, the Heliaia's jurisdiction was limited to judging the archons and, probably, some other similar accusations against public office-holders.

plutarch pericles

It was when Ephialtes and Pericles prompted a binding resolution through the ecclesia[9] stripping the Areios Pagosconservatism's hub, of most of the cases it judged, [10] that the Heliaia started judging almost all plutarch pericles civil and penal cases. Vince minnillo Areios Pagos kept its competence only for the crimes of murder and arson[11] while the archons could impose some minor fines. The Heliaia's jurisdiction also included litigation which involved Athenians and citizens of other cities or Athens and another city as subjects of international law. Namely, the Heliaia functioned as a court for litigation of public, criminal and private international law.

Taking the jurisdiction over the so-called graphe paranomonthe Heliaia replaced the Areios Pagos in the execution of the legal control of the decisions of the ecclesia. Until Ephialtes' reforms the Areios Plutarch pericles had the duty of guarding the laws and to keep watch over the greatest and the most important of the affairs of state.

plutarch pericles

The Heliaia was in session every normal day, except for the three last days of each month and for the days during which the ecclesia was plutarch pericles session. The sessions took place in the open within a marked-off area, since there was no specific building where they could be lodged.

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The location of the hearing was confined within plutarch pericles special hedge, outside of which the audience could stand. After holding a preliminary investigation, he also had to subpoena the litigant parties and the witnesses before the jury. In the morning of the day of hearings, the hegemon had to determine by lot plutarch pericles jury that would judge the case as well as the place where it would convene. After the formation of the jury, the hegemon had to submit the conclusions of his preliminary investigation, announcing and defining the litigation on which the court should decide.

Then click was the time for the plaintiff, the defendant and the witnesses to be heard.

plutarch pericles

In a public suit each litigant had three hours to speak, whereas they had much less in private suits though here it was in proportion to prricles amount plutarch pericles money at stake. In this way the plutarch pericles cases became a vehement fight of impressions, since the jurors did not constitute a little group of mature citizens, such as the Court of Areios Pagos, which was interested only in the correct application of the law. Additionally, before the Chambers of Heliaia each citizen had to become an effective orator and to act scaffolding theorist in his capacity as citizen, in order to protect his interests and to enforce his views.


Decisions were made by voting plutarch pericles any time set aside for deliberation. Nothing, however, stopped jurors from talking informally among themselves during the voting procedure and juries could be unruly, shouting out their disapproval or plutarch pericles of things said by the litigants.

This may have had some role in building a consensus. The voting procedure was public and transparent. Each heliast had received two votes, one "not guilty" and one "guilty". The voting was secret, [15] since each juror had to cover the vote with his fingers, so that nobody could see in which amphora he threw it. In the civil cases the voting procedure was different, because the amphoras were as many as the litigant parties and the jurors had to vindicate one of them by casting their vote. After the votes were counted, the herald announced the final result. Poutarch cases of a tie, the defendant was acquitted, because he was thought to have got "the vote of Athena ".

Heliasts could plutarch pericles either fines for civil and prricles cases or "corporeal sentences" only for penal cases. The fines of Heliaia were higher than the fines of the archons.]

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