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Why I stopped being a libertarian reddit/r/libertarian Reddit/r/libertarian reddit/r/libertarian

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Weekly Discussion Thread Archive. Philosophy Veganism self. The most libertarian view of animal rights is full on veganism.

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I think about this a lot because I am a meat eater minimally but I don't want cruel farming practices. I think you could at least make conscious food choices when it comes to meat consumption ie. Check labels from suppliers, buy from farmers markets etc. Aside from meat there is also reddit/r/libertarian that are derived reddit/r/libertarian animals eggs dairy etc.


As long as the animals are treated ethically i see no libertarian argument against eating those things. Looking forward to hearing more reddit/r/libertarian to this from this sub.

reddit/r/libertarian This is a tough reddit/r/libertarian for me as well. Is it ever possible to ethically obtain meat? Can killing an innocent creature ever be moral? You kill a ton of non domesticated animals when you farm in any way though, and also when building infrastructure, windmills, pollute etc, so obviously we all agree that some killing is justified as long as it's abstract enough.

Welcome to /r/Libertarian

Something about thr systemic killing I find really disgusting though. Another interesting question I rarely see reddit/r/libertarian talk about is, what should we do with the farm animals if we no longer need reddit/r/librrtarian I'm not saying they all live happily now, but it's not like we can just let them back in to reddit/r/libertarian with the level of domestication they've endured. I'm to what people think will happend reddit/r/libertarian them. There's no NAP in the natural order of the animal kingdom.]

One thought on “Reddit/r/libertarian

  1. Reddit/r/libertarian Kazralmaran :

    You are mistaken. I can defend the position. Write to me in PM.

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