Sex vs gender essay -

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Do You Know The Difference Between Sex and Gender? - Queer 101 - The Advocate sex vs gender essay

The country has repealed its colonial-era laws that directly discriminated against homosexual and transgender identities and also explicitly interpreted Article 15 of the Constitution to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. But many legal protections have not been provided for, including same-sex marriage.

Synthesis Of Female Vs Male Stereotypes

Transgender people in India are allowed to change their legal gender post- sex reassignment surgery under legislation passed inand have a constitutional right to register themselves under a third gender. Additionally, some states protect hijrasa traditional third gender population in South Asia through housing programmes, and offer welfare benefits, pension schemes, free operations in government hospitals as well as other programmes designed to assist them. There are approximatelytransgender people sex vs gender essay India. Inin the landmark decision of Navtej Singh Johar v. Union of Indiathe Supreme Court of India decriminalised consensual homosexual intercourse by reading down Section of the Indian Penal Code and excluding consensual homosexual sex between adults from its ambit. Despite recent political movements in favour of LGBT rights, there remains a significant amount of homophobia present among the Indian population, with around half of Indians objecting to same-sex relationships according to a opinion poll.

Hinduism acknowledges a third genderor a hermaphrodite ; there are certain characters in the Mahabharata who, according to some versions of the epic, change genders, such as Shikhandiwho is sex vs gender essay told to be born as a female but identifies as male and eventually marries a woman. Bahuchara Mata is the goddess of fertility, worshipped by hijras as their patroness.

The Kama Sutraa Sanskrit text not to be confused with a Hindu text on human sexual behavior, uses the term tritiya-prakriti to define men with homosexual desires and describes their practices in great detail. Likewise, the Kama Sutra describes lesbians svairiniwho engage in aggressive lovemaking with other womenbisexuals referred to as kami or pakshatransgender and intersex people. The Sushruta Samhita and the Charaka Samhita delve further into the issue of homosexuality, stating that homosexuals are conceived when the father's semen is scanty and transgender people are conceived when the father and mother reverse roles during intercourse purushayita"woman on top".

However, in read article Hindu text, the Manusmritithere are various punishments for homosexuality. The Hindu Khajuraho templesfamous for their erotic sculptures, contain several depictions of homosexual activity.

The Importance Of Historical Writing

Historians have long argued that pre-colonial Indian society did not criminalise same-sex relationships, nor did it view such relations as immoral or sinful. Hinduism has traditionally portrayed homosexuality as natural and joyful, though some texts do contain injunctions against homosexuality namely among priests. During the Mughal Empirea number sex vs gender essay the preexisting Delhi Sultanate laws were combined into the Fatawa-e-Alamgirimandating a common set of punishments for zina unlawful intercourse.

Modern societal homophobia was introduced to India by the European colonisers and the subsequent enactment of Section by the British, which stood for more than 70 years after Indian independence. In colonial Victorian era morality, these subjects were seen as erotically perverse and in need of the imposition.

Ina court gended north India, ruling on the prosecution of a hijracommented that a physical examination of the accused revealed she "had the marks of a habitual catamite " and commended the police's desire to "check these disgusting practices". Ardhanarishvara in Gangaikonda Cholapuram.

Two women using sxe as dildos, 20th century gouache painting.

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Section stated that: "Whoever voluntarily has carnal intercourse against the order of nature with any man, woman or animal, shall be punished with [imprisonment for life], or with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to ten years, and shall also be sex vs gender essay to fine," with the added explanation that: "Penetration is sufficient to constitute the carnal intercourse necessary to the offence described in this section. According to a previous ruling by the Indian Supreme Court, decisions of a high court on the constitutionality of a law apply throughout India, and not just to the state source which the high court in question has jurisdiction.

There have been incidents of harassment of LGBT groups by authorities under the law. On 23 Februarythe Ministry of Home Affairs expressed its opposition to the decriminalisation of homosexual activity, stating that in India, homosexuality is seen as being immoral. The shift in stance resulted in two judges of the Supreme Court reprimanding the Central Government for frequently changing its approach to the issue. On 11 Decemberthe Supreme Court set aside the Delhi High Court order decriminalising consensual homosexual activity within its jurisdiction.

Human Rights Watch expressed concerns that the Supreme Court ruling would render same-sex couples and individuals that sex vs gender essay become open about their sexuality following the High Court's ruling vulnerable to police harassment and blackmail, [29] [42] stating that "the Supreme Court's ruling is a setback to human dignity, and the basic rights to privacy and non-discrimination" [43] The Naz Foundation stated that it would file a petition for review of the court's decision. On 28 Januarythe Supreme Court of India dismissed the sex vs gender essay petition filed by the Central Governmentthe Naz Foundation and several others against its 11 December verdict on Section On 18 DecemberShashi Tharoora member of the Indian National Congress party, introduced a bill for the repeal of Sectionbut it was rejected in the House by a vote of On 2 Februarythe Supreme Court decided to review the criminalisation of homosexual activity.

The Court also ruled that a person's sexual orientation is a privacy issue, giving hopes to LGBT activists that the Court would soon strike down Section ]

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  1. Yes well you! Stop!

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