Symbolic and interpretive anthropology -

Symbolic and interpretive anthropology - opinion

What is symbolic and interpretive anthropology? Click to see full answer Also asked, what is the interpretive approach in anthropology? Subsequently, question is, what is a symbol in anthropology? A symbol is an object, word, or action that stands for something else with no natural relationship that is culturally defined. Everything one does throughout their life is based and organized through cultural symbolism. Symbolism is when something represents abstract ideas or concepts. Consequently, what is symbolic interpretive?

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Symbolic and interpretive anthropology symbolic and interpretive anthropology

Pythagoras said it, but Newton also could have, though their meanings would be very different. So did many people of many other cultures and times. The major difference between the ancient and modern use of number is the difference between its modern quantitative application and its ancient qualitative application.

symbolic and interpretive anthropology

It is this qualitative use, fallen into disrepute in modern times, that we will concern ourselves with here. Pythagoras, for the west, expressed a widely held intuition about the general character of experience: All is number.

symbolic and interpretive anthropology

This is to say that there is something about the way numbers are experienced that is found in all experiences of the world. Applying anthroology, it can be said that any experience can be characterized as having the quality of a particular number. This permits the categorization of experience into sets constituted by the relationships experiences have with their associated numbers. Obviously this use of number is radically different from that used modernly.

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While we tend to view numbers as summed counters, the ancients saw numbers as divisions of a fundamental Unity. Each number was the number of parts the Whole was divided into and this begets certain relationships among the parts which in turn characterized the quality of that number of divisions. One can then on this basis begin to speculate about those experiences and seek them out by applying the system.

symbolic and interpretive anthropology

Numbers suit this purpose admirably by being non-physical but are found in everything physical, thus require nothing but a mind that understands their use. A consequence of using numbers as divisions of the whole is a tendency towards wholistic thinking.

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One knows what to expect in a given situation and what else to look for when confronted with symbolic and interpretive anthropology of a situation. When whole systems interpretibe built on a numerical basis they are built around the number that constitutes the base of the system, thus in the decimal system it is built on sets of 10, while the sexagesimal system on sets of Besides numbers themselves, another more specialized whole set is available to those cultures that use writing. Go here is an extension of the same theory as symbolic and interpretive anthropology numbers but now applicable to larger meaning complexes such as words.

Some, as in the case of the Tibetan Buddhist, the meanings were associated with the letters syllables actually through their being the initials of key words. We have in the history Kabbalah documentation of the development xnd one such system. By tracing the development of the technique we will find a pattern of progressive complexification, each building on the previous layer.

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Each layer of the process whereby meaning is added to meaning is here termed a meta-narrative. A meta-narrative is a story about a story. It is frequently interpretive, being the explanation of the meaning of a story and becoming a story itself thereby. This notion of story is not limited to dramatic plot-lines, though this is a viable technique and one we will find present in Symbolic and interpretive anthropology. Adding a metanarrative to a narrative is therefore adding more structure, as it were a super-structure, to the original story.]

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