The culture of modernism was characterized by -

The culture of modernism was characterized by

The culture of modernism was characterized by - there are

The first characteristic associated with modernism is nihilism, the rejection of all religious and moral principles as the only means of obtaining social progress. In other words, the modernists repudiated the moral codes of the society in which they were living in. The reason that they did so was not necessarily because they did not believe in God, although there was a great majority of them who were atheists, or that they experienced great doubt about the meaninglessness of life. Rather, their rejection of conventional morality was based on its arbitrariness, its conformity and its exertion of control over human feelings. In other words, the rules of conduct were a restrictive and limiting force over the human spirit. The modernists believed that for an individual to feel whole and a contributor to the re-vitalization of the social process, he or she needed to be free of all the encumbering baggage of hundreds of years of hypocrisy The rejection of moral and religious principles was compounded by the repudiation of all systems of beliefs, whether in the arts, politics, sciences or philosophy. Doubt was not necessarily the most significant reason why this questioning took place. One of the causes of this iconoclasm was the fact that early 20th-century culture was literally re-inventing itself on a daily basis. the culture of modernism was characterized by

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Modernism is both a philosophical movement and an art movement that arose from broad transformations in Western society during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The movement reflected a desire for the creation of new forms of art, philosophy, and social organization which reflected the newly emerging industrial worldincluding features such as urbanizationnew technologies, and war. Artists attempted to depart from traditional forms of art, which they considered outdated or obsolete. The poet Ezra Pound 's injunction to "Make it New" was the touchstone of the movement's approach. Modernist innovations included abstract artthe stream-of-consciousness, montage cinemaatonal and twelve-tone music, and modenism painting.

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Modernism explicitly modernosm the ideology of realism [a] [2] [3] and made use of the works of the past by the employment of repriseincorporationrewriting, recapitulationrevision and parody. While some scholars see modernism continuing into the 21st century, others see it evolving into late modernism or high modernism. Some commentators define modernism as a mode of thinking—one or more philosophically defined characteristics, like self-consciousness or self-reference, that run across all the novelties in the arts and the disciplines.

the culture of modernism was characterized by

Others focus on modernism as an aesthetic introspection. This facilitates consideration of specific reactions to read more use of technology in the First World War, and anti-technological and nihilistic aspects of the works of diverse thinkers and artists spanning the period from Friedrich Nietzsche — to Samuel Beckett — According to Roger The culture of modernism was characterized bymodernism can be defined in a maximalist vision as a broad cultural, social, or political initiative, sustained by the ethos of "the temporality of the new".

According to one critic, modernism developed out of Romanticism 's revolt against the effects of the Industrial Revolution and bourgeois values: "The ground motive of modernism, Graff asserts, was criticism of the nineteenth-century bourgeois social order and its world view [ Turner —one of the greatest landscape painters of the 19th century, was a member of the Romantic movementas "a pioneer in the study of light, colour, and atmosphere", he "anticipated the French Impressionists " and therefore modernism "in breaking down conventional formulas of representation; [though] unlike them, he believed that his works should always express significant historical, mythological, literary, or other narrative themes.

the culture of modernism was characterized by

The dominant trends of industrial Victorian England were opposed, from aboutby the English poets and painters that constituted the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhoodbecause of their "opposition to technical skill without inspiration. The Pre-Raphaelites actually foreshadowed Manet —with whom Modernist painting most definitely begins.]

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