The darkling thrush theme -

The darkling thrush theme Video

The Darkling Thrush ( Theme) for cl 12

The darkling thrush theme - for

Sir Peter Stothard born 28 February is a British author, journalist and critic. From to he was editor of The Times and from to editor of The Times Literary Supplement , the only journalist to have held both roles. His four books of diaries cover both political and classical themes. He grew up on the nearby Rothmans Estate. During a stage of Stothard's editorship, The Times reached an average sale of over , — the highest in its history. This was, in part, the result of the so-called "price war" that started in when The Times reduced its cover price and started intense circulation battles against The Daily Telegraph and The Independent. In he became involved in a controversial legal dispute over political funding with the Conservative Party Treasurer Michael Ashcroft. Lord Ashcroft sued but subsequently withdrew his suit after a statement agreed by both parties. In he was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer and was away from The Times for 10 months for successful treatment. In his first book of memoir, On the Spartacus Road Harper Press, , , combined an account of the Spartacus uprising with elements of autobiography. the darkling thrush theme.

The poet depicts a gloomy wintry scene in nature. Looking at the scene he himself feels gloomy. Nothing around him promises joy or peace. Suddenly the happy song of an old thrush startles the poet and he wonders what has made the bird happy. He feels that the bird might have some happy expectation.

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As his family was poor he was unable to pursue university education. His formal education came to and at the age of sixteen. He trained as an architect in Dorchester before moving to London in He worked as an architect for some years but he did not feel at ease in London.

the darkling thrush theme

His love for literature made him give up his career as thrusu architect. His first prose work appeared in His first novel, Desperate Remedieswas published in His first volume of poems was Wessex Poems He published six more volumes of verse till Three prominent notes are visible click his poetry : The helplessness of man, the unavoidability of destiny, the indifference of nature and of gods.

There is a the darkling thrush theme variety of themes and forms in his poetry. He is best known for his expression of love, nature, imagery, sincerity of feelings, intricate structure, etc. He wrote poems in a variety of poetic forms such as lyrics, ballads, dramatic monologues, satires, etc.

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He experimented with stanza forms and metres. It is clear that the poet was influenced by the melancholy, despair and uncertainty that marked the Victorian Age. Like many of his age, he was not certain what the new century would bring for mankind. In the poem, the poet imagines that the 19th century has just died, and that its dead body will be buried in the canopy formed by the clouds above. The sounds of the winds seem to lament its death.]

the darkling thrush theme

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