What does the word minority mean - digitales.com.au

What does the word minority mean

What does the word minority mean - really. agree

The tendency to develop an identifiable Christian culture is apparent even when Christians live in an environment that has been shaped and The lack of significant distinguishing characteristics keeps certain groups from being classified as minorities. For instance, while Freemasons subscribe to some beliefs that are different from those of other groups, they lack external behaviours or other features that would distinguish them from the general population and thus cannot be considered a minority. Likewise, a group that is assembled for primarily economic reasons, such as a trade union , is seldom considered a minority. However, some minorities have, by custom or force, come to occupy distinctive economic niches in a society. Thus, the role of minority groups varies from society to society depending on the structure of the social system and the relative power of the minority group. For instance, the degree of social mobility of a member of a minority group depends on whether the society in which he lives is closed or open. what does the word minority mean

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Webster Dictionary 0.

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The word fronde means sling, which Parisian mobs used to smash the windows of supporters of Cardinal Mazarin. The Fronde was divided into two campaigns, the Fronde of the parlements and the Fronde of wrod nobles. The timing of the outbreak of the Fronde des parlements, directly after the Peace of Westphalia that ended the Thirty Years War, was significant. The nuclei of the armed bands that terrorized parts of France under aristocratic leaders during this period had been hardened in a generation of war in Germany, where troops still tended to operate autonomously.

Louis XIV, impressed as a young ruler with the experience of the Fronde, came to reorganize French fighting forces under a stricter hierarchy whose leaders ultimately could be made or unmade by the King. Thus the Fronde finally resulted in the disempowerment of the territorial aristocracy and the worr of absolute monarchy.

what does the word minority mean

Chambers 20th Century Dictionary 0. The war which arose, and which was due to the despotism of Mazarin, passed through two phases: it was first a war on the part of the people and the what does the word minority mean, called the Old Fronde, which lasted from tilland then a war on the part of the go here, called the New Fronde, which lasted tillwhen the revolt was crushed by Turenne to the triumph of the royal power. The name is derived from the mimic fights with slings in which the boys of Paris indulged themselves, and which even went so far as to beat back at times the civic guard sent to suppress them. Military Dictionary and Gazetteer 0.

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A sling. This weapon was used in France by the Huguenots at Sancerre, as late as the yearin order to save their powder.

what does the word minority mean

This machine has been used since the invention of cannon. The fronde or sling was used by the Romans on three different occasions, viz. This weapon, in fact, together with the bow and arrow, may be numbered among the primitive arms of mankind.]

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