Arranged marriages vs love marriages -

Arranged marriages vs love marriages arranged marriages vs love marriages arranged marriages vs love marriages

India does not recognise same-sex marriage or civil unions. In fact, it does not possess a unified marriage law.

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Every Indian citizen has the right to choose which law will apply to them based on their community or religion. Although marriage is legislated at the federal level, the existence of multiple marriage laws complicates the issue. None of these codified marriage acts explicitly defines marriage as between a man and a woman, neither do these acts explicitly same-sex unions. Sincewhen the llve press reported the story of two policewomen who married each other by Hindu rites in central India, [2] [3] the press has reported many same-sex marriages, all over arranged marriages vs love marriages country, mostly between lower middle-class young women in small towns and rural areas, who have no contact with any gay movement.

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Family reactions range from support to disapproval to violent persecution. While police generally harass such couples, Indian courts have uniformly upheld their right, as adults, to live with whomever they wish. In recent years, some of these couples have appeared on television as well.

arranged marriages vs love marriages

There have also been numerous joint suicides by same-sex couples, mostly female male-female couples also resort to suicide or to elopement and religious marriage when their families oppose their unions. In "Same-Sex Love in India: Readings from Literature and History"author Ruth Vanita analyses dozens of such marriages and suicides that had taken place over the past three decades, and explores their legal, religious and historical aspects.

She argues that many of the marriages can arguably be considered legally valid, as under the Hindu Marriage Act, any marriage between two Hindus performed according to the customs prevalent in the community of one of the two partners is arranged marriages vs love marriages valid.

The Recognition of Arranged Marriages in Asia

No license is required to marry, and most heterosexual Hindu marriages in India today are performed by religious rites alone, without a marriage license and are never registered with the state. State recognition is not sought by most couples because it confers few benefits. Most marriagfs seek the validation of family and community, and several female couples in rural areas and small towns have received this validation. There have also been a couple of high-profile celebrity same-sex civil partnerships, such as the civil union of designer Wendell Rodricks with his French partner Jerome Marrel conducted under French law in Goa in In Decemberarranged marriages vs love marriages dual Indian-Vietnamese same-sex couple held a wedding ceremony in Yavatmal in the state of Maharashtraalongside family, friends and well-wishers.

Feelings Vs Commitment

However, some family members discovered and urged zrranged to separate. Police later intervened. Couples in "live-in relationships" are not married to each other but live together as a cohabiting couple. Live-in relationships tend to be viewed by Indian society as taboo, but have become gradually more common among the younger population in light of the slow decline of arranged marriages.]

arranged marriages vs love marriages

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