Coraline escapes the other mother -

Coraline escapes the other mother Video

Coraline and the Other wybie escape of the Other Mother coraline escapes the other mother

Coraline is a stop-motion animated fantasy film starring Dakota Fanning. It is based on a book released in of the same name by Neil Gaiman. This family movie was perhaps a little too scary for some viewers, and when taking into consideration some theories based on the original source material, it becomes even more frightening. The of the film had people asking, "did Coraline make it out of the Other World, or is she trapped there forever?

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Coraline and her family move into the Pink Palace—a run-down house that was boarded off and converted into an apartment building. Coraline's parents seem to always cogaline too coraline escapes the other mother for her and don't give her the attention or life that she'd like. So when she finds a small door that leads to a magical place where everything is better, she is blind when it comes to realizing that this is too good to be true. Coraline's 'Other Mother' turns out to not be as loving as she thought, and wants to trap Coraline in the Other World forever.

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Coraline tempts the Other Mother with a game and outsmarts her, barely making it out. Or so she thinks. To understand the theory, it's important to know what the Other Mother actually is. She is referred to as a 'beldam,' which is a very old malicious woman and a witch.

coraline escapes the other mother

The Other Mother is a shape-shifting demon whose goal is to lure children into the Other World and entice them to stay so she can feed on their souls. She does this by making voodoo dolls that look like the children whom she wishes to capture so she can spy on them and find out what they like. Although she presents herself as Coraline's mother, it doesn't take long for her to reveal herself as a giant arachnid with a cracked porcelain face.

This is an important detail, but more on that later.

coraline escapes the other mother

So did Coraline make it out of the Other World? The answer is no. In fact, she never left at all. In the book, when Coraline meets the ghost children, they tell her that once they saw the beldam, they never saw their true mothers again. Isn't it odd that Coraline has to use the portal door to enter the Other World, but she never goes back through it to leave?

This is because this is all a game of cat and mouse. Each time Coraline goes to sleep in the Other Worldshe is just going one layer deeper into that dimension. When she awakens in the 'real world,' it is just coraline escapes the other mother illusion the beldam crafted. The only way out is through the door, and there is only one key.

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But at the end of go here movie, Coraline has thrown her one way out down a well, and because escappes that, she will never be able to leave. Here is where the theory turns a little Lovecraftian. When Coraline is trying to escape the Other World, she notices the tunnel feels longer each time she uses it, and steeper, as if she is climbing upwards. That is because the Other World is actually a very large and very ancient beast. Since Coraline keeps falling asleep in coraline escapes the other mother Other World and using the portal, she is actually just going deeper into the belly of the beast. In the book, Coraline says that the tunnel sounds like it's breathing and when she reaches out her hand, it feels like she's put it in someone's mouth.]

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