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Coming to America: Celebrating the Immigrant Experience essay about immigrants coming to america Essay about immigrants coming to america

As a child of two immigrants in America, I come from a diverse background. My father is of Spanish and Filipino descent from the south of the Philippines and my mother is of Filipino descent from the north. Perhaps that does not sound like much of a difference, but as a child growing up in an upper-middle class suburb that was predominantly white, you will find that these differences stand out all the more.

essay about immigrants coming to america

I think my earliest memory of knowing I was different than my peers was in first grade of elementary school. My mother had packed me a lunch of rice, chicken and vegetables. I have always loved chicken and as a child I could not eat it without rice.

essay about immigrants coming to america

I was so excited to eat that day and show essay about immigrants coming to america friends the adorable little lunch box my mother had bought that was purple and yellow with blue stars. I remember ciming staring at me in absolute bewilderment. From then on, it was standard sandwiches for me. It comng at that moment when I reel injun quotes at the sea of bewildered faces around me that I realized that I was not only physically different, but culturally different as well.

In America, a melting pot of different cultures, I learned to embrace these differences as I grew, but now that I am in Japan I find myself straddling a strange line. On one hand, I am Asian. Due to this, there are some commonalities that we share.

Taking off your shoes, showing respect to your elders or eating a diet based around rice. These are some similarities all Asian countries have in common.

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However, it is how we practice these customs that sets us apart. It is the act of showing respect to an elder. The elderly person then usually smiles and grants them their blessing. Unlike other Asian cultures, like Japan, where respect is shown with a bow, in the Philippines it also involves touch. I think this has to do with the cultural heritage of the country. The Philippines was colonized by the Spanish for years and then this imigrants followed by both Japanese and American rule in the 20th century. It was only in the mid 20th century that the country achieved independence and by then the Essay about immigrants coming to america was a hodgepodge of cultural practices.

essay about immigrants coming to america

Due to this, the Philippines has a strange mix of Eastern and Western practices. While in Japan it might be a bit startling to touch someone so familiarly after first meeting them, in the Philippines is it widely accepted.

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I think different cultural practices make each country unique and interesting. It is part of the charm of traveling to a new place and learning how locals interact with one another. It also gives us a chance to try something new. Evalyn Vocabulary predominantly adv.]

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