Evolution of the earth - digitales.com.au

evolution of the earth

The history of earth timeline It can be tough today to imagine that life on our planet was different from it is now. Only a newly formed proto Sun, a ring of gas dust, and an incredible sight. It was about as far from inhabitable as possible.

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The conditions on earth were hellish. Instead of the usual landscapes, there was a sea of fire from molten rock. There were radioactive elements all around. And the surface temperature reached 4, degrees Celsius.

Instead of air, there was carbon dioxide, nitrogen, sulfur, and water vapor. Instead of solid land, magmatic oceans add to that the evolution of the earth bombardment from large asteroids. After several million years resulting from a collision with a young planet called Theia, the moon was gradually formed.

One day back then lasted about six hours. With such a short day having time for anything would be simply impossible. Some scientists suggest that at this time, there were already oceans on earth despite its high temperature. It was the asteroids that helped the planet gradually become covered with water.


Eafth to one theory, the asteroids carried a tiny amount of life-giving moisture and delivered it to earth. And there was no ozone layer to block ultraviolet radiation. However, some fossils are about 3. It means that life on Earth could have arisen much earlier than we used to think.

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This oxygen was most likely produced by a brand new prokaryote, called cyanobacteria. It had figured out how to make its food through photosynthesis. The more cyanobacteria were out there, the higher the atmospheric concentration of oxygen became. And this was also one of the first real game changers for life on Earth. It was the first significant instance of living things bringing massive change to their environment.


In fact, it may be the earliest example of ecology evolution of the earth work. Cyanobacteria changed the evoltuion, judo-chopped the competition, and made way for the evolution of living things to take a new, specific direction. However, microorganisms were already inhabiting this hot water.

The land was only volcanic islands that were slowly growing over time. Just imagine how hot it was! The days began to lengthen, and about 2. These, as you know, are a big deal because they read more all plants and animals. Eukaryotes probably evolved by a process called endosymbiosiswhere one prokaryote parasitized another prokaryote. It formed a single-celled organism with organelles, specifically mitochondria, and plastids.]

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