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French intervention in mexico Video

Franco-Mexican War - 3 Minute History french intervention in mexico French intervention in mexico

Historians in the s and s often disparaged the Second Empire as a precursor of fascism. He promoted French business and exports.

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The greatest achievements came in material improvements, in the form of a grand railway network that facilitated commerce and tied the nation together and centered it on Paris. It had the effect of stimulating economic growth, and bringing prosperity to most regions of the country. The Second Empire is given high credit for the rebuilding of Paris with broad boulevardsstriking public buildings, and very attractive residential districts for upscale Parisians.

In international policy, Napoleon III tried to emulate his uncleengaging in numerous imperial ventures around the world as well as several wars in Europe. He badly mishandled the threat from Prussiaand by the end of his reign, French intervention in mexico III found himself without allies in the face of overwhelming German force.

french intervention in mexico

He thus became sole ruler of France, and re-established universal suffrage, previously abolished by the Assembly. His decisions were popularly endorsed by a referendum later that month that attracted an implausible 92 percent support. At that same referendum, a new constitution was approved.

french intervention in mexico

It concentrated virtually all governing power in his hands. Almost as soon as he signed the new document into law, he set about restoring the empire. In response to officially inspired requests for the return of the empire, the Senate scheduled a second referendum in Novemberwhich passed with 97 percent support.

french intervention in mexico

As with the December referendum, most of the "yes" votes were manufactured out of thin air. The constitution had already concentrated so much power in his hands that the only substantive changes were to replace the word "president" with the word "emperor" and to make the post hereditary.

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The popular referendum became a distinct sign of Bonapartismwhich Charles de Gaulle would later use. With almost dictatorial powers, Napoleon III made building a good railway system a high priority. He consolidated three dozen small, incomplete lines into six major companies using Paris as a hub.]

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