Freud stages of psychosexual development chart -

Freud stages of psychosexual development chart Video

Freud's Psychosexual Stages freud stages of psychosexual development chart. Freud stages of psychosexual development chart

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We respect your decision to seek for our services. Sigmund Freud is famous for developing the psychosocial theory of development that takes place during childhood through a series of fixed psychosexual stages. Freudian psychosexual theory proposes that human development occurs through five distinct stages. Theses stages include oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital. Each step has distinct characteristics displayed through erogenous zones McLeod, There is a probability of the individual developing fixation as they go through these stages.

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Each psychosexual stage represents a possible fixation of the libido on different body parts. Each development stage identifies with an erogenous zone that are sources of pleasure and frustration.

freud stages of psychosexual development chart

He suggests that tension results from increased libido and pleasure is achieved when pressure is discharged. He introduces three components of the human mind, id, ego, and superego, which contain psychic apparatus and operate on different levels of consciousness to generate specific behavior Cherry, The Id is present at birth and resembles everything acquired from parents. comprises needs that require constant fulfillment and operates on the pleasure-seeking principle and immediate need gratification without consideration of realities and consequences.

freud stages of psychosexual development chart

It tries to create a balance of the demands of the Id and the reality. The superego is the third component of the human mind and develops from the ego. Freud describes the first five years of an individual life as the most critical years as they shape up the personality one will endure for the rest of their life. Each development stage is characterized by conflicts that propel or stifle development.

freud stages of psychosexual development chart

Conflicts contribute to individual development depending on how they are resolved. If a psychosexual stage is completed successfully, the individual is likely to develop a healthy personality.

sigmund freud theory of development

However, if a person develops conflicts and does not address the issues of any stage effectively, one is expected to experience fixation at some point in life McLeod, It is imperative to resolve all the conflicts of a particular step to address the fixation. Unresolved conflicts cause stagnation at one stage hindering the healthy development of personality.

Freud proceeds to discuss frustration, fixation, and overindulgence noting that some people find difficulties in progressing from one stage to the other. Mostly this occurs because the needs of the developing person at a particular stage if not fulfilled, which results in frustration.]

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