How to prevent teenage pregnancy essay -

How to prevent teenage pregnancy essay

How to prevent teenage pregnancy essay Video

Prevention of Teenage Pregnancy essay

How to prevent teenage pregnancy essay - can

The public opinions on whether birth control should be introduced in the schools are divided. The majority of those for birth control say that it will prevent teenage pregnancies. However, even those for contraceptives prefer that the parent consent is sought before children are allowed access to the contraceptives Reed, The ones against the use of the methods argue that giving students sex education and contraceptives encourages them to have sexual intercourse. Instead, they advocate students be taught about morality and abstinence Reed, The majority of the parents are for introduction of birth control methods in school, citing the need to control teen pregnancies. how to prevent teenage pregnancy essay. how to prevent teenage pregnancy essay

The abortion debate is the ongoing controversy surrounding the moral, legal, and religious status of induced abortion. Pro-choice emphasizes the woman's choice whether to terminate a pregnancy. Pro-life proposes the right of the embryo or fetus to gestate to term and be born.

how to prevent teenage pregnancy essay

Both terms are considered loaded in mainstream media, where terms such as "abortion rights" or "anti-abortion" are generally preferred. Many people believe that abortion is essentially a moral issue, concerning the commencement of human personhoodrights of the fetusand bodily integrity. The debate has become a political and legal issue in some countries with anti-abortion campaigners seeking to enact, maintain and expand anti-abortion lawswhile abortion-rights campaigners seek to repeal or ease such laws while expanding access to abortion.

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Abortion laws vary considerably between jurisdictions, ranging from outright prohibition of the procedure to public funding of abortion. The availability of safe abortion also varies across the world.

how to prevent teenage pregnancy essay

In ancient times, issues such as abortion and infanticide were evaluated within the contexts of family planninggender selection, population control, and the property rights of the patriarch. While the practice of infanticide as a form of family planning has largely been eradicated in developed countries, birth control and abortion are still practiced, and their morality and legality continue to be debated.

While modern debates about abortion retain some of the languages how to prevent teenage pregnancy essay these older debates, the terminology has often acquired new meanings. Discussion of the putative personhood of the fetus may be complicated by the current legal status of children. Like children or minors in the U. Ireland, although this treatment was amended by the Abortion Act of in England, Scotland and Wales.

If a fetus is a person, it is a person in very special circumstances — it exists entirely within the body of another much larger person and usually cannot be the object of direct action by another person. Proposals in the current debate how to prevent teenage pregnancy essay from complete prohibition, even if the procedure is necessary to save the mother's life, [8] to complete legalization with public funding, as in Canada. Many of the terms used in the debate are seen as political framing : terms used to validate one's own stance while invalidating the opposition's. However, these terms do not always reflect a political view or fall along a binary; in one Public Religion Research Institute poll, seven in ten Americans described themselves as "pro-choice" while almost two-thirds described themselves as "pro-life".

Appeals are often made in the abortion debate to the rights of the fetuspregnant woman, or other parties. Such appeals can generate confusion if the type of rights is not specified whether civilnaturalor otherwise or if it is simply assumed that the right versus role stage identity confusion to takes precedence over all other competing rights an example of begging the question.


The appropriate terms with which to designate the human organism prior to birth are also debated. The medical terms " embryo " and " fetus " are seen by some anti-abortion advocates as dehumanizing[16] [17] while everyday terms such as "baby" or this web page how to prevent teenage pregnancy essay viewed as sentimental by some abortion rights advocates. The use of the term "baby" to describe the unborn human organism is seen by some scholars as part of an effort to assign the organism agency. This assignation of agency functions to further the construction of fetal personhood. Anti-abortion activists occasionally use the term the "Silent Holocaust" in reference to the number of abortions that have been performed in the United States since Politics refers to the processes, defined and limited through legal documents, by which decisions laws are made in governments.

In politics, rights are the protections and privileges legally granted to citizens by the government. In a democracy, certain rights are considered to be inalienableand thus not subject to grant or withdrawal by government. Regarding abortion lawthe political debate usually surrounds a how to prevent teenage pregnancy essay to privacyand when or how a government may regulate abortion [ citation needed ]. There is abundant debate regarding the extent of abortion regulation.

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how to prevent teenage pregnancy essay Some abortion rights advocates argue that it should be illegal for governments to regulate abortion any more than other medical practices. Even though the right to privacy is not explicitly stated in many constitutions of sovereign nations, many people see it as foundational to a functioning democracy. In general the right to privacy can be found to rest on the provisions of habeas corpuswhich first found official expression under Henry II in 11th century England, but has precedent in Anglo-Saxon pregjancy. This provision guarantees the right to freedom from arbitrary government interference, as well as due process of law. This conception of the right to privacy is operant in all countries which have adopted English common law through Acts of Reception.

The Law of the United States rests on Here common law by this means.]

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