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Interrogation Techniques

NS a Boeing Business Jet [90] [91] Note: A registration search on the FAA's public website indicates these may have been false registrations, as these N-numbers have been registered to other aircraft types, with no mention of the above types in the history. On May 31,The Guardian reported that the human rights group Reprieve said up to seventeen US naval vessels may have been used to covertly hold captives.

The Ashland was stationed off the coast of Odfinand, Reprieve expressed concern it had been used as a receiving ship for up to captives taken in East Africa. However, it was the revelations of The Washington Post, in a November 2,article, that would start the scandal.

interrogation techniques pdf

Village March report[ edit ] In the February 26 — March 4,edition of Ireland's Village magazine, an article titled "Abductions via Shannon" claimed that Dublin and Shannon airports in Ireland were "used by the CIA to abduct suspects in its 'war on terror'". The article went on to state that a Boeing registration number NP, later reregistered NS "was routed through Shannon and Dublin on fourteen occasions from January 1, to the end of This is according to the flight log of the aircraft obtained from Washington, D.

It had been used "in connection with the abduction in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, of Khalid El-Masria German citizen of Lebanese descent, on 31 Decemberand his transport to a US detention centre in Afghanistan on 23 January ". In the article, it was noted that the aircraft's registration showed it as being owned by Premier Executive Transport Servicesbased in Massachusettsthough interrogation techniques pdf of February interrogation techniques pdf was listed as being owned quote by locke Keeler and Tate ManagementReno, Nevada US.

On the day of registration transference, a Gulfstream V jet number NV used in the interrogation techniques pdf activities, was transferred from Premier Executive Transport Services to a company called Baynard Foreign Marketing. However, Priest states no one in the administration requested that The Washington Post not print the story.

interrogation techniques pdf

Rather they asked they not publish the names of the countries in which the prisons are located. Malinowski's comments prompted quick denials by both Polish and Romanian government officials as well as sparking the concern of the International Committee of the Red Cross "ICRC"who called for access to all foreign terrorism suspects held by the United States. The accusation that several EU members may have allowed the United States to hold, imprison or torture detainees on their soil has been a interrogation techniques pdf of controversy in the European body, interrogation techniques pdf announced in November that any country found to be complicit could lose their right to vote in the council.

In a subsequent report, in AprilAmnesty International used flight records and other information to locate the black site in Eastern Europe or Central Asia. The airport manager said that airport officials were told to keep away from the aircraft, article source parked at the far end of the runway and frequently kept their engines running.

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Vans from a interrkgation intelligence base Stare Kiejkuty met the aircraft, stayed for a short while and then drove off. Landing fees were paid in cash, with the invoices made out to "probably fake" American companies. These included sensory deprivation, sleep deprivationkeeping prisoners naked indefinitely and photographing them naked to degrade and humiliate them, and forcibly administering drugs by suppositories to further break down their interrogation techniques pdf.

interrogation techniques pdf

According to Mayer's report, CIA officers have taken out professional liability insurancefearing that they could be criminally prosecuted if what they have already done became public knowledge. Rizzo —a career CIA lawyer—for the source of general counsel interrogation techniques pdf, interrogaiton to concerns about his support for Bush administration legal doctrines permitting "enhanced interrogation" of terrorism detainees in CIA custody. This was in direct opposition to a public legal opinion issued in December that declared torture "abhorrent".

Gonzales interrogation techniques pdf approved the legal memorandum on "combined effects" over the objections of James B. Comeythe outgoing deputy attorney general, who told colleagues at the Justice Department that they would all be "ashamed" techniqjes the world eventually learned of it.

According to the Times report, the Justice Department opinions remain in effect, and their legal conclusions have been confirmed by several more recent memorandums. Rockefeller IVwrote to acting attorney general Peter D.]

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