Is google making us stupid response -

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A military tribunal on Thursday convicted former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on charges of murder, conspiracy to commit murder, accessory to murder, child trafficking, endangering a minor, treason, and sedition. The two male, one female panel of officers cast a unanimous verdict shortly after Vice Adm. John G. It was easy for her to bring orphaned children in from places like, say, Syria, Afghanistan, or Iraq. No one asked questions. Unlike a conventional criminal trial, he reminded the commission, a unanimous verdict was not needed to convict Clinton on any of the charges. A majority vote, he said, would satisfy justice. The tribunal arrived at a guilty verdict after deliberating only five minutes. is google making us stupid response. Is google making us stupid response

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Is Google really making us stupid?

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By Gene Quinn April 9, Oracle for the proposition that performing tasks on a smartphone is highly transformative and, therefore, nonobvious compared to the same exact task on a desktop computer or other device. That is, after all, literally what the Supreme Court held. It is safe to say that Newton never met an intellectual property lawyer, and he never had to deal with the whims and fancy of an arbitrary and capricious Supreme Court. Earlier this week, the Supreme Court issued its much-anticipated decision in Google v.

is google making us stupid response

A perfectly legitimate question for Google to ask, and one that everyone will now ask given cut and paste copying of software code is a fair use. We can probably guess what the Supreme Court was thinking given the API context, but we can be certain that this Supreme Court fair use case will be applied well beyond the facts of the case. And even in other software cases, will what district court judges and circuit court judges think be what the Supreme Court thought, given the lack of useful definitions?

is google making us stupid response

The copying was not a matter of necessity, it was a matter of convenience. Much has and will be written about how this case is a win for innovation because it allows programmers to copy code for the purpose of interoperability. And interoperability is definitely something that we all should want — but at what cost? Will those with valuable, original code put that code at risk for being cut-and-paste copied in the future?

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And that is the reaction you would expect, to the extent possible, which will result in less sharing and less ability to copy. Business models will change. While the Google v.

is google making us stupid response

Oracle decision really does not have anything to do with Alice responsf software patents or the patent eligibility of computer implemented innovations per se, it does continue the trend of making software less protectable in the United States. Congress has, of course, done nothing to make software less viable or protectable, but the Supreme Court is an increasingly autocratic tribunal that legislates from the bench on matters of intellectual property.

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The actions of the Supreme Court on software are puzzling, and Congressional inaction even more so. We are at a point in history when two-thirds of all innovations patented at the U. Meanwhile, the Supreme Court is doing everything in their power to make software the red-headed stepchild of the world in the United States.

Truthfully, the Supreme Court decision in Google v. Oracle will do far more damage to other copyrighted works because of the long-lasting damage it will inflict on the doctrine of fair use.

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There was really only protection for software against literal cut-and-paste copying and now that is a fair use, thanks to the ruling earlier this week. So, copyrights in software were already weak; now they are nonexistent. But for other copyrighted works and other content creators, how courts will rrsponse this decision could be quite scary.]

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