Is there scientific evidence of a soul -

Is there scientific evidence of a soul Video

Is there any scientific evidence for the existence of the soul? QA Soul and Reincarnation Series is there scientific evidence of a soul.

Is there scientific evidence of a soul - have

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Robert Spitzerthe inter-galactically smart Jesuit, who once served as president of Gonzaga University and who now directs the Magis Center source matters of faith, reason, and science. Taylor observes that, prior toalmost everyone believed in God and held that life would be meaningless apart from some reference scientifci goods lying beyond our ordinary experience.

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But today, at least in the West, one can find armies of people who both deny God and affirm that the goods of this world are sufficient to make us happy. This buffered existence makes evangelization nearly impossible, for it closes a listener to the proposal that true fulfillment and God are tightly linked together. By the sheer accumulation of evidence from this wide variety of sources, he punches hole after hole in the buffer that surrounds the modern self. First, Spitzer draws our attention to the remarkably universal sense of the transcendent described by philosophers, mystics, and seekers across time and cultures.

Limiting ourselves to some key Western figures, Scientificc Otto, for example, speaks of the experience of the mysterium tremendum et fascinans the mystery at the same time fearsome and compelling. This numinous reality overwhelms us and simultaneously draws us into itself, and in its presence we intuit that we are more than physical, that there is a dimension of ourselves that links us to the realm where this mysterious reality dwells.

is there scientific evidence of a soul

A second major connection to the transcendent is in the very dynamic of human knowing, an idea articulated by myriad philosophers across the centuries—Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, Newman, etc. Lonergan maintained that each particular act of knowing takes place within the heuristic context of what can be further known.

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In any field of intellectual endeavor, every answered question gives rise to a dozen more questions, precisely because the mind is never satisfied with anything less than total knowledge. But this is none other than the unconditioned reality, that which is utterly real, for a conditioned thing, by definition, would beg the question of its own existence and hence would not be utterly intelligible. If these last two arguments seem too abstract, consider a third route of access that Spitzer presents, namely, the phenomenon of near death experience. Such experiences have been studied carefully for the past forty years, and most of us are well aware of their characteristics: moving out of the body and seeing its surroundings clearly, passing through walls and ceilings, following a tunnel toward a bright light radiating love and compassion, often meeting deceased loved is there scientific evidence of a soul along the way.


is there scientific evidence of a soul

Those who have had such experiences usually swear by them and remain utterly convinced evidencd there is a dimension of the self that survives physical death. Nevertheless, as Spitzer acknowledges, critics have emerged, arguing that these can be explained as hallucinations produced by the brain as it is deprived of oxygen, or the fruit of endorphins released by the dying brain.

is there scientific evidence of a soul

But how can such reductive accounts begin to explain the fact that those who have exited learn more here bodies can describe their environments with such remarkable accuracy? Indeed, in one extraordinary case, a woman left her body on the operating table, travelled through a variety of corridors in the hospital, left the building on the far side of the operating room and saw a single tennis shoe on the ledge. Afterward, the shoe is there scientific evidence of a soul found, just as she had described it. And how click the physicalist theories possibly explain how people, blind from birth, correctly see objects and colors in the environs of the sites where they died? Is it not far more soil, Spitzer speculates, that these experiences demonstrate the existence of a transphysical dimension to the self?

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