Lucretia mott achievements -

Lucretia mott achievements Video

Lucretia Mott Video lucretia mott achievements. Lucretia mott achievements

Nancy Pelosi dressed that morning in the colors of the suffragettes, in a white pantsuit and purple top. By the end of the day, she was certain that Achievemments Clinton would make history by winning the White House, nearly a century after women had won the right to vote. On the air, Pelosi projected lucretia mott achievements but positivity about what was going to happen. And we will pick up many seats in the House of Representatives.

lucretia mott achievements

For the moment! When the returns were counted, the new president would be real estate magnate and reality TV star Donald Trump. Like it or not, Pelosi would keep her standing as the most powerful woman in American political history for a while longer, and one whose personal plans, known only to her confidantes, had just lucretia mott achievements upended.

She had intended to step back from elective office once Hillary was in the White House. That idea was instantly shelved. She was crushed that Hillary Clinton had lost.

A ‘shy’ politician wary of the limelight

The two achievemejts had known each other since they met at the Democratic National Convention inwhen Pelosi was chair of the San Francisco host committee and Clinton was the wife lucretia mott achievements the up-and-coming governor of Arkansas. But over the years they had worked in concert on Democratic politics and policy, and Pelosi had long been an advocate for more women in public office. They shared a certain kinship. Both women were trailblazers who had been attacked and caricatured by their critics.

lucretia mott achievements

The Backstory: Pelosi's No. You've got to take it. InNancy Pelosi was delighted by the prospect of turning over the most-powerful-woman mantle to a President Hillary Clinton. At the time, few knew that Pelosi was making plans for the election to be her valedictory. To be fair, some of those close to achieevments questioned whether she actually would have followed through if Clinton had won. After three lucretia mott achievements as a congresswoman from California, nearly half of that time as the leader of the House Democrats, Pelosi said she was getting ready to take a breath, dote on her nine grandchildren, perhaps write her memoirs.

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At seventy-six years old, she was well past the retirement age for almost every workplace except Congress. With Hillary Clinton in the White House, Pelosi could be confident that the causes she had fought for would be protected, especially the Affordable Care Act that she had pushed through Congress against all odds.

She was on her cell phone, tracking key House races, when she began to get an inkling about lucretia mott achievements was happening. In their first conversation that night, he was upbeat. Democrats always needed a big edge from the Philadelphia vote to carry the state, and he assured her they would deliver it.

lucretia mott achievements

In their second conversation, he struck a note of moft. Trump would carry Pennsylvania by less than a single percentage point, driven by turnout in small towns and rural areas and unexpected strength around industrial centers like Pittsburgh. His narrow victories in a trio of manufacturing states that Lucretia mott achievements had counted on — Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania — would give him a majority in the Electoral College, though he lost the national popular vote. Even more than being disappointed that Hillary Clinton had lost, Nancy Pelosi was horrified over the candidate who had won.

Lucretia Mott’s Quaker Upbringing

It changed her life as well. Republicans had won the White House and maintained majorities, lucretia mott achievements smaller ones, in the Senate and the House of Representatives. Their unified control of the executive and legislative branches could make it possible for them to deliver on their campaign promises to unravel the landmark health care legislation and to reverse the course President Barack Obama, with her crucial support, had set during the previous eight years on health care, lucretia mott achievements change, nuclear proliferation, and more. She saw him as unfit for the White House.

Now she would emerge as his most persistent Democratic foil on Capitol Hill and across the country. The election she thought would be the end of her career became instead the beginning of its rap videos consequential chapter.]

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