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My Brother Sam is Dead Chapter 5 my brother sam is dead book online My brother sam is dead book online

Distinguished Flying Cross. Calvin Coolidge Worthington November 27, — September 8, was an American car dealer, best known on the West Coast of the United Statesand to a more limited extent elsewhere, from minor appearances and parodies in a number of movies.

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He was best known for his unique radio and television advertisements for the Worthington Dealership Group, most of which began with the announcement "Here's Cal Worthington and his dog Spot! Often, Spot was a tiger, a seal, an elephant, a chimpanzee, or a bear.

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In one ad, "Spot" my brother sam is dead book online a hippopotamus, which Worthington rode in the commercial. On some occasions, "Spot" was a vehicle, such as an airplane that Worthington would be seen standing atop the wings of while airborne. He sold automobiles from until his death and owned a 24,acre 9, ha; 38 mi ranch located in Orland, Californianorth of Sacramento.

Calvin Coolidge Worthington was born on November 27, in the now-defunct town of Bly, Oklahoma, [3] [4] [5] three weeks after his namesake, Calvin Coolidgehad been elected Vice President of the United States. His first job was as a water boy on a road construction crew for 15 cents an hour. He was discharged after the war as a captain.

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Worthington's military service was frequently revisited in the 21st century in aviation magazines, since he had trained pilots who would become some of America's first astronauts. After leaving the Army, Worthington wanted to become a my brother sam is dead book online pilotbut could not because he was not a college graduate. He then sold used cars in front of the post office in Corpus Christi, making a folksy pitch to people who stopped to pick up their mail. He decided car sales would be his career. A regular on the show was the flamboyant more info eccentric singer and Hawaiian guitar player Jenks "Tex" Carman. When television became more established and sponsorship of entire programs subsequently became unfeasible, he became a Ford dealer with one-minute and second commercials.

By the s, Worthington was saturating the commercial breaks during the overnight hours on four of the seven television stations in Los Angeles, which had agreed to fill their overnight schedules by playing movies.


Worthington's commercials could be seen breaking into old movies overnight, from midnight to six o'clock. As the dealership's television pitchman, Lambert always bpok "my dog, Storm" a large German Shepherd dog as a prop in the commercials.

Storm would seen either lounging on the hood of a car, sitting behind the wheel, or walking with his owner along the rows of cars.

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By the mids, Lambert had taken his dog act to Ralph Williams Ford previously Leon Ames Fordbecoming well known for Storm eam his intro, "Some people call this a commercial; I call it an invitation. The response was so positive kotakuinaction new a new campaign was born, featuring "Cal Worthington and his dog Spot! The physical reach of the Worthington Dealership Group would eventually cover a large portion of the American Southwest and West. The company at its peak had 29 dealerships. The company entered the Anchorage market at a frenzied time induring the height of the construction of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System.

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In fact, the appearance in Alaska of a well-heeled California businessman coincidental with oil-related prosperity often entered the consciousness of Alaskans during those years, though Worthington was not the only businessman who read article under this category. Worthington purchased an existing dealership, Friendly Ford, the Stepp family, who continued to operate the city's Lincoln—Mercury dealership for many years afterward.

He was one of the first to abandon the traditional stand-alone dealership in favor of "auto malls. For nearly a quarter-century, from the s until the s, Worthington ran a series of offbeat my brother sam is dead book online and radio advertisements for his auto dealerships patterned loosely after the pioneering "oddball" advertisements of Earl "Madman" Muntz. They began as a parody of a competitor who appeared in advertisements with a puppy recently adopted from the pound. In most cases, it was an exotic animal being led around on a leash, such as a tiger or elephant. These commercials began as a parody of a long-running series of commercials produced by salesman Chick Lambert, who worked for multiple Los Angeles-area Ford dealers over many years.

Worthington's commercials were seen on every television channel in Los Angeles throughout the s and early s, mostly through saturation advertising during the overnight hours. The commercials would be accompanied by a jingle set to the tune of If You're Happy and You Know Itwith the lyrics re-written to the refrain of "If you want a car or truck, go see Cal, if you want to save a buck, go see Cal;" following this were several different versions of the lyrics, such as "Give a new car to your wife, she will love you all your life" or "I will stand upon my head until my ears are turning red," and my brother sam is dead book online with "Go see Cal, Go see Please click for source, Go see Cal".]

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