Nursing ethics papers -

Nursing ethics papers Video

Nursing Ethics: Understanding Ethics in Nursing nursing ethics papers Nursing ethics papers nursing ethics papers

Professional ethics cannot be ignored in providing health or nursing care. It is hard to give some general guidelines and recommendations on how to stay ethically correct in all cases. In this case, a patient rejects taking medications to control his hypertension because of the threat of nursing ethics papers a low sexual activity or other related problems.

A nurse cannot make the patient take the drug, as well as should not leave the situation as it is due to the possibility of negative health outcomes. Professional Ethics in Nursing Nursint Essay.

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Regarding the needs of this patient, the development of specific skills can be an effective solution to identify and assess the ethical issue. First, communication and collaboration skills are important as nursing ethics papers help to find an additional expert i. Second, self-control is an obligatory quality as it promotes the possibility to evaluate the whole situation and never break emotional boundaries in patient-nurse relationships.

nursing ethics papers

Sometimes, an unexpected idea can be found out to solve a problem during the open and free conversation or communication with family members. In this case, the task is to link as much credible nursing ethics papers as possible.

Nursing ethics papers nurse should be ready to explain to the patient the importance of taking medications or, at least, considering some other alternatives with the help of which the same results can be obtained. In communicating with a patient, as well as providing the treatment, the task of a nurse or any other medical worker is to remember about given commitments. At the same time, patients usually underline their rights and make nurses break nursing ethics papers commitments to meet their personal needs as clients.

For example, there two crucial rights in nursing care which are hard to ignore: the right to refuse treatment and the right to informed consent Torrey, In this case, the nurse should clearly understand the duties that have to be followed. It is necessary to behave and make decisions in the best interests of the patient in order neither to harm nor to break the law. At the same time, there is an obligation to raise concerns if the patient puts himself at risk of harm.

Therefore, the nurse should report on this situation to a chief nurse, a therapist, or another medical worker who is involved in the treatment. However, fast nursing ethics papers without any research being conducted may harm the patient. The nurse must gather enough information for the patient about the importance of the treatment, for the doctor about the reasons to reject the treatment, and for the family about the worth of health. Regardless of numerous attempts to diminish the number of medical errors and avoid negative health outcomes, there are still many situations when patients cannot achieve the desired improvement. Poor adherence to medication remains a serious problem in medicine and health care and leads to multiple concerns in the work of the healthcare system and public health Boddington, There is a list of specific ethical issues that have to be considered during the evaluation of treatment or the failure to follow a care plan.

Click to see more this case study, the patient rejects taking medications because of the possibility to experience negative effects on his sexual life.

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To be effective, the evaluation plan should be based on several ethical considerations. The main ethical issue is the necessity not to do harm that may be both psychological and physical. Therefore, a nursing ethics papers should make sure that the evaluation process does not result in stress, pain, or low self-esteem. Another consideration includes voluntary participation and readiness to cooperate and withdraw a process any time the patient wants. Informed consent is an ethical consideration that plays a crucial role in evaluating a failure source follow the prescribed therapy because a participant gets the right to learn the purposes and understand the worth of findings.]

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