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Parapsychology articles

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CFI UK: Professor Chris French on Parapsychology and Science parapsychology articles parapsychology articles

Ask a Query From the Parapsychology articles Yoga and Parapsychology are two areas in which significant amount of professional research is awaited. Parapsychology, considered as the discipline to study psi psychic abilitiesis essentially the science of siddhis extraordinary human abilities. Yoga is considered to be an effective psycho-spiritual pursuit that results in the manifestation of a variety of supernormal phenomena. One of its four parts, Parapsychology articles Pada, is filled with the description and discussion of a variety of paranormal phenomena. There is if thus an intrinsic commonality between yoga and parapsychology, which remains essentially unexplored in any systematic way.

Afterlife Realms

A serious and scientific study of the two and the resultant synergy of their confluence could result in resolving many of the riddles paeapsychology puzzle parapsychology today and be a harbinger of a vibrant science opening up new frontiers. Further, it could be seen as a productive East West meet in a parapsychology articles sense.

Keeping this in view, a national conference and a workshop were organized during Januaryat Andhra University by the Institute for Human Science and Service with international participation. Personality in adulthood present volume is a compilation of the major presentations at the conference and workshop, which parapsychology articles appropriately revised and edited in the light of the discussions. The contents of the volume contain theoretical articles and reviews as well as experimental reports. Thus, the volume is international in scope and coverage.

An acknowledged international authority on Indian psychology, consciousness studies and psychical research, Professor Rao has published nearly parapsuchology hundred research papers and twelve parapsychology articles, the most recent ones include Consciousness Studies: Cross-Cultural Perspectives McFarland,Towards a Spiritual Psychology edited with S. Dalal Foundation Books, Foreword There is a curious misconception prevalent in the West that para- psychology is not in the realm of science but of religion.

In the East, however, particularly in India we have known for many centuries that the mind has remarkable dimensions far beyond and above what may be called normal experience.

The hard science of reincarnation

These include telepathy, telekinesis, hearing at great distance and other such faculties which may appear supernatural but are, in fact, a result of rigorous training of the mind so that it transcends parapsychology articles normal barriers. The study of parapsychology, therefore, is as much a subject of rigorous scientific exploration as parapsychology articles classical psychology. There is also a very close link between Yoga and parapsychology. Indeed it is the enhanced abilities of the mind which are often exhibited by saints and seers, Sufis and mystics of all the great traditional religions that parapsycholoy some way represent the foundation of religious beliefs and practices.

parapsychology articles

There has been of late an enhanced interest in the West in the study of what are known as paranormal phenomena. This interest parapsychology articles not translate itself into productive research and fruitful understanding of the phenomena convincing to the scientific community parapsychology articles general, because they are considered anomalous or supernatural.

What is required is to understand and accept as a natural fact that the human mind has tremendous vistas for growth and expansion, a virtually unlimited potential to exponentially increase its range and depth.

parapsychology articles

Indeed, if we consider the mental faculties of primitive peoples and compare them with those of an Einstein, one can see in a dramatic fashion how the human brain can expand its capacities.]

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