Personal vs professional ethics -

Personal vs professional ethics

Personal vs professional ethics - remarkable

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personal vs professional ethics.

There are a number of differences between personal ethics and professional ethics though ethics, in general, work as guidelines that direct individual behavior.

personal vs professional ethics

Personal ethics, on the one hand, refers to the sense of rights and wrongs of a person. Professional ethics, on the other hand, refers to the guidelines that are imposed on employees within the industrial setting. However, one cannot claim that personal ethics and professional ethics are restricted within two separate dichotomies.

On the contrary, these often overlap.

About this entry

This article attempts to highlight etgics differences between the two concepts, while elucidating the two. First, when examining the concept of personal ethics, this can be understood as individual codes of conduct. Honesty, integrityaccountabilityfairnesscommitmentdoing what is morally correct can be considered as some examples of personal ethics.

personal vs professional ethics

These are cultivated within the individual from childhood itself. For example, a child who is being taught honesty by his parents from a tender age itself begins to internalize this quality. As the child grows, his words and actions are influenced by this particular quality.

What is Professional Ethics?

Also, personal ethics has a wide scope that applies in different contexts. When interacting with friends, family and even within the industrial setting, personal ethics of an individual naturally comes out through his conduct. For example, if a person is very committed towards his work and also to those who are close to him, this naturally comes out in his actions. At times, personal ethics of the individual clashes with his professional ethics.

Social Work Ethics And Personal Ethics

In such cases, it creates a dilemma within the individual. On the other hand, professional ethics is codes of conduct that are stated by a particular governing body of an organization. These are compulsory and are imposed on all professionals.

However, professional ethics is different from personal ethics.

personal vs professional ethics

In personal ethics, the individual has a choice whether to follow or not. But, when it comes to professional ethics, the individual has no choice.]

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