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Empowering 5. A Dependent Personality Disorder Chose one or more if you wish of the topic listed above and Write a thought paper on how this may have filtered in your life. Can you relate to the symptoms, lifes drama, living a chaotic life style and pain it causes and so on. Pleas take some time to reflect on yourself before writing this paper. Use the order calculator below and get started! Contact our live support team for any assistance or inquiry. Skip to content 1. Previous Post Previous Emerging healthcare care delivery system. personality disorder essay

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Personality disorder essay Video

Personality Disorders: Crash Course Psychology #34

Antisocial Personality Disorder ( Ocd ) Essay

What does it mean when someone has a disorder? Mental illnesses are diseases that cause mild to severe disturbances in thoughts and behaviors; personality disorder essay, patients who are affected may not have check this out of their actions Gazzaniga, A personality disorder is a way people cope with events that are fairly fixed by the end of adolescence. Those affected with this disorder interact with the world in a maladaptive and inflexible way Gazzaniga, Within personality disorder, there are three different clusters that give a better understanding as to what a personality disorder is defined as.

These clusters are categorized into three groups: Cluster A, B, and C. Furthermore, these disorders are preventable to a certain extent. In addition, many causes lead up to personality disorders; however, childhood experiences play a huge impact. Furthermore, treatments are known to last a couple months to a year, known as long-standing treatments. Those who have been affected receive treatments through medications or therapy sessions.

Although there are many causes that can lead towards personality disorders, they personality disorder essay preventable to a certain extent; however, after diagnosis, there are many treatments to prevent a more serious disorder.

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Patients affected by personality disorder usually interact with the world in a maladaptive or inflexible way, which means they are not providing appropriate adjustments to the situation, or the patients unwillingly wanting to change Gazzaniga, Within personality disorder, there are three clusters, which summarize certain behaviors. Furthermore, Cluster A is when a patient has odd or eccentric behaviors, normally paranoid, schizoid, or schizotypal Gazzaniga, A patient can be considered Schizoid, socially isolating themselves and restrict emotional expressions. Lastly, a patient who falls under the category Schizotypal in Cluster A seems to have personality disorder essay, appearances, and behaviors that are emotionally detached and isolated Gazzaniga, Furthermore, Cluster B is categorized as dramatic, emotional, or showing erratic behavior Gazzaniga, personality disorder essay Patients may be considered histrionic, which the patient will have seductive behavior, needing immediate gratification and constant reassurance.

Another category, is Narcissistic, which is when one is self-absorbed and expects special treatment and adulations. They are envious of attention to others. Furthermore, a patient can be diagnosed as borderline, which they cannot stand to be alone Gazzaniga, read more These patients have intense, unstable moods and personal relationships. Lastly, in Cluster B, a patient can be diagnosed with an antisocial personality, being manipulative, exploitative, and dishonest.

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Lastly, patients diagnosed with personality disorder essay personality disorder may fall under Cluster C, which these types of patients include anxious and fearful behaviors Gazzaniga, Furthermore, they are avoidant, which means easily hurt and embarrassed. Personality disorders are preventable to a certain extent; furthermore, this disorder may be caused by genetics, childhood trauma experiences, verbal abuse, high reactivity, or peers. Genetics may be the cause, experts have identified a malfunctioning gene that may be a factor that causes obsessive-compulsive disorder in Cluster C. Article source addition, childhood traumas can play a role in causing this disorder as well.

For example, high rates of childhood sexual traumas have been studied to cause personality personality disorder essay

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