Quran vs.the bible - digitales.com.au

Quran vs.the bible Video

What is the difference between the Quran \u0026 the Bible? - Great Explanation - Sh. Uthman Ibn Farooq quran vs.the bible Quran vs.the bible quran vs.the bible

The first thing we should define here is what intellectualism means in the context of the Quran https://digitales.com.au/blog/wp-content/custom/general-motors-and-the-affecting-factors-of/fossil-fuel-words.php Islam, and what intellectualism means when we are discussing epistemology. From vs.he secular view, intellectualism means the devotion to pursuits in search of knowledge[1], where knowledge means justified true belief[2]. Here the truth is meant to mean the truth of Islam.

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So the religion of Go here itself, not truth in the epistemological sense. The function of reason in the Quran is to validate the Quran, not to question it. It is not right for a Muslim to interrogate the principles of theology, instead one should submit to the will of God through revelation. So from an Islamic perspective, the Quran is completely pro-intellectualism. However, we have to be careful not to use the persuasive definition [3] fallacy, because when I say Islam is against intellectualism, I am referring to the secular definition, quran vs.the bible the Islamic definition.

From now on when I say intellectualism, I will be qquran intellectualism to mean the pursuit of knowledge through justified true belief.

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Most of us would bibke that questioning is good. By questioning, we may be able to get answers to our questions, and through intellectual thinking, expand our knowledge. When it comes to asking too many questions, or trying to use your reason in order to come to a conclusion about Islam, you are generally discouraged.

quran vs.the bible

Here the Quran explicitly discourages asking questions, and even admits that people have become disbelievers by asking too many questions:. Allah has pardoned it [i. A people asked such [questions] before you; then they.

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Let me begin saying vs.fhe the post made against Islam was not honest and OP left out most of the Islamic history out of the whole post and he made few false statements against the religion itself. In this refutation i will argue against these points that need to be clarified. Please read both posts and then start commenting.

quran vs.the bible

Also, OP's is himself being displaying great lack of critical thinking and attaining basic information regarding the verses he is quoted and the Hadiths, i will explains this in details. He even quotes a Tafsir and leaves part of it just to argue his point, dishonesty. So first of all, OP started defining "what intellectualism means in the quran vs.the bible of the Quran and Islam, and what intellectualism means when we are discussing epistemology.

Quran and Skepticism

OP took a exegesis regarding a verse of the Quran " " and he concluded " The function of reason in the Quran is to validate the Quran, not to question it. This is completely false. How is anyone supposed to find out the truth if not asking certain and specific questions relating to the principles of the religion and on the theology?

Excuse me, what does "validate" mean? Lets see couple of definitions of the word shall click to see more. Daniel was the last book written before the Christian Era, about years before, during the Maccabean war of liberation from the remnants of the Greek empire; about the interval between bibke time and the American Civil War. It was written to exhort the Jewish people to fight, prophesying victory; his exhortation was successful and that part of his prophesy came true. Like WWI, however, the Maccabean war was not the last fight. This was the world into which Jesus was born, and the political reality which his generation faced. When Alexander the Great died untimely at Babylon in B. The Hellenization of the Orient — Wherever he went Alexander founded Greek settlements, each of which attracted further settlers, set up Greek institutions, and became a center of Greek life.

This in turn encouraged the flow quran vs.the bible trade, in which Orientals were quick bivle see advantages to themselves.]

One thought on “Quran vs.the bible

  1. Yes, I with you definitely agree

  2. I consider, that you are mistaken.

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