States that had jim crow laws -

Final: States that had jim crow laws

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states that had jim crow laws

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CNN President Joe Biden said Wednesday that parts of the United States are "backsliding into the days of Jim Crow" by passing laws he says are reminiscent of when Black Americans had to pay poll taxes and pass other check this out before casting their vote. Al Sharpton. The President said: "Parts of our country are backsliding into the days of Jim Crow, passing laws that harken back to the era of poll taxes -- when Black people were made to guess how many beans, how many jelly beans, in a jar or count the number of bubbles in a bar of soap before they could cast their ballot.

Last month, Biden called a link Georgia elections bill that imposes new voting restrictions "Jim Crow in the 21st Century" and "an atrocity. Georgia's new law imposes new voter identification requirements for absentee ballots, limits the use of ballot drop boxes, states that had jim crow laws it a crime for anyone other than poll workers to approach voters in line to give them food and water and gives state officials more power over local elections.

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The President's comments come days after Daunte Wright, a Black man, was shot and killed by lzws during a traffic stop in Minnesota. They also come amid the trial in Minneapolis of a former police officer who fatally knelt on the neck of George Floyd, also a Black man, last year, which sparked protests against police brutality across the country.

states that had jim crow laws

Biden did not name Wright or Floyd in his remarks. Biden thanked Sharpton for his "courageous advocacy through these years. The President pointed to his proposed infrastructure and jobs plan as a way to make "generational investments in rebuilding America, delivering good jobs, equity and opportunity to Black neighborhoods that never seem taht get dealt in on the American dream.

states that had jim crow laws

Biden is also pitching his plan as an investment to benefit communities of color, rural Americans and others burdened by decay or lagging modernization. The President's remarks come the same day a US House of Representatives committee is scheduled to vote on legislation jum create a commission to study whether to pay reparations to the descendants of enslaved people. The White House has said it supports a study of reparations.]

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