Stop blaming violent video games -

Stop blaming violent video games - something

Further information: Raptio The oldest textual references to sexual violence can be traced back to, amongst other cultures, the ancient Greeks and Romans , where women were seen as property without any rights over their bodies or sexual integrity. Rape of women during peace times was therefore considered as property crime only affecting their owners: the husbands, sons or brothers. The fact that sexual violence to women was commonplace during both war and peace times led to the negligence of any indications of what the methods, aims and magnitude of such violence was; it was face- and nameless. During times of peace, female spouses had no right to refuse sex with their husbands. Usually, depending on the elite's views, which perceived sexual violence as a minor issue, sexual violence was not prosecuted. In Alta California, for example, the Catholic clergy relied heavily on corporal punishment such as flogging, placing in the stocks or shackling of Amerindian women within their programs of Christianization.

Stop blaming violent video games Video

Why Blaming Video Games for Violence is Wrong - NYT Opinion

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Stop blaming violent video games stop blaming violent video games

Global COVID-19 vaccine “apartheid”

Shortly afterwards, several countries, including Canada, the United States and several EU member states, condemned the vaccine to either limited use or outright pause in use. Considering how efforts to deliver vaccines to lower-income countries are already faltering, declining faith in the few doses that have been provided is worrying — this compounds the issue that coverage in low- and middle-income countries was already likely to be low for the foreseeable future. They are wreaking havoc learn more here the world. According to The Guardian, the fast-spreading B. As you will recall, apartheid in South Africa was all about depriving the Srop majority of access to land, economic opportunities, decent housing, healthcare, basic human rights, essential freedoms, and basic human dignity.

It was about prioritizing the minority white population while deliberately oppressing and depriving the Black majority. The map vidso current Covid vaccine stop blaming violent video games overlays neatly onto much older maps of colonial conquest. In the last 5 months ofeven before the vaccines had been approved, Canada, the US and other rich countries with white majorities hoarded most of the COVID vaccines.

Canada was the greediest of them all. Still, that was not enough for Canada.

stop blaming violent video games

Earlier this week, former British prime minister Gordon Brown added his voice the growing global criticism of the injustice of COVID vaccine apartheid. Even though effective and safe COVID vaccines have been developed and are being widely deployed around the world, the global war against the deadly pandemic is far from being won.

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More than 3 million lives have been lost as a result of the novel coronavirus that emerged inwith the latest 1 million recorded deaths coming even faster than the first two. It took about 8. Like other countries across sub-Saharan Africa, Sudan has struggled to obtain vaccines and distribute them to frontline medical staff.

stop blaming violent video games

Many of the doctors who have died were senior consultants in their 50s and 60s or older, and so were stop blaming violent video games high-risk categories. Though hundreds of millions of people in western nations are now protected from the virus, doctors, nurses and others on the frontline of the fight against Covid in Africa will have to wait months, or even years, for a vaccine.

While data from the Health Ministry suggest that over children under age 9 have died of Covid, including about babies, experts say the real death toll is higher because cases are underreported because of a lack of widespread coronavirus testing, according to the BBC, which first reported the story. With new coronavirus variants raising the health risk, South Africa and India have proposed that the World Trade Organization temporarily waive intellectual property rights for COVID vaccines to help ramp up production.

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The U. They are now under pressure to change their minds. Governments partnered with drugmakers, pouring in billions of dollars to procure raw materials, finance clinical trials and retrofit factories. Billions more were committed to buy the finished product.]

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