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Strain theory juvenile delinquency 2 days ago · Social control theory relates family structure to juvenile delinquency in events where children are faced with discontent with living conditions and family conflicts, Strain theory (Robert K. Merton, ). Strain theory is a sociology and criminology theory developed in by Robert K. Merton. 1 day ago · 1 Theories of Juvenile Offending Cases among juvenile offending have been on the rise due to many circumstances through which the youth find themselves. Some youths are even looking and pursuing careers in crime, leading to huge cases of juvenile offending. The Youth Justice System is responsible for breaking the high crime rate among the youths because such criminal cases . Apr 13,  · Discuss atleast 3 of these topics with ASA style format Evaluate the effectiveness of strain theory, social learning theory, control theory, and labeling theory for explaining or understanding differences in rates of juvenile delinquency. Evaluate the crucial role of larger social forces, especially the economy, in reducing delinquency. Discuss the research on incapacitation, including the.
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Strain theory juvenile delinquency - discuss impossible

Discuss atleast 3 of these topics with ASA style format Evaluate the effectiveness of strain theory, social learning theory, control theory, and labeling theory for explaining or understanding differences in rates of juvenile delinquency. Evaluate the crucial role of larger social forces, especially the economy, in reducing delinquency. Discuss the research on incapacitation, including the problems involving estimating the amount of crime prevented buy incapacitation. Distinguish between specific and general deterrence, and provide tentative conclusions about the effectiveness of each. Discussed the history of prevention and rehabilitation efforts in the United States, and indicate reasons why most prevention and rehabilitation programs are not properly evaluated Describe strategies that are designed to sanctioned juveniles more effectively, specifically comprehensive community-based strategies. Get Professional Assignment Help Cheaply Are you busy and do not have time to handle your assignment? strain theory juvenile delinquency.

Strain theory juvenile delinquency Video

Juvenile Delinquency and Crime Prevention 08: The Consensus and Strain thoeries.

Login Juvenile Delinquency: Strain Theory A juvenile delinquent is a person who is typically under the age of 18 and commits an act that otherwise would have been charged as a crime if they were an adult. Depending delinquuency the type and severity of the offense committed, it is possible for persons under 18 to be charged and tried as adults Wikipedia. Juvenile delinquency is a growing problem in the United States today. strain theory juvenile delinquency

strain theory juvenile delinquency

Many families are faced with high poverty rates and social problems due to the constraints of living in a low income community click deviance is the only process to achieve success. In order for children to succeed we must strain theory juvenile delinquency to terms with this underlying issue and be able to solve this primary source. Robert Merton a sociologist who coined strain theory believed that people were placed on established paths in order to be successful in society. Merton believed that social structure rather than culture was the main problem for juvenile delinquents association with crime. Using several adaptations of strain theory he clarifies his argument. Merton believed there were five adaptations in society that you could travel in order to be successful.

The five adaptations were innovation, retreatism, ritualism, conformity, and rebellion. The three I will be explaining are innovation, conformity, and rebellion. If a juvenile delinquent from a low income community has no means of getting an education or bettering himself then he is going strain theory juvenile delinquency adapt to the societal norms that are already in existence in his social environment. For example, a juvenile delinquent grows up in the projects with low income housing, his mother is a single parent who works full time but can barely afford to put food on the table.

The Juvenile Delinquent Act

In order for the juvenile delinquent to provide for himself he must find other means of income. His only juvenjle of income that he has been raised to know is selling drugs. Although the juvenile delinquent is breaking the normative strain theory juvenile delinquency of society he is still military decision making mdmp to survive through one of the five adaptations which is innovation. A prime example of an innovator would be a drug dealer. The drug dealer has fully accepted the cultural goals that he needs to complete in order to be successful. Instead of abiding by those cultural goals and following the process of achievement he uses deviance to stray away from the path of success.

Same prophecy goes for the juvenile delinquent stated above he must conform to innovation in order delinqhency provide for himself and his strain theory juvenile delinquency. The juvenile delinquent has accepted his social status and low income community but has decided instead of going to school and striving for a good education he would rather comply and sell drugs just like his peers he has looked up to his whole life. His social constraints dictate his decisions and therefore he is placed in confinement. The juvenile delinquents deviance is mainly caused by his living environment and community lifestyle.

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The experiences that he has been a part of make him more prone to commit deviant acts. This means he believes that the only way that you can obtain wealth is that you must be born in the middle class or upper class of society.

strain theory juvenile delinquency

The value he is trying to portray is the value you give of yourself. If he applies himself with great values and strives to be the best he can overcome many obstacles delinuency may derail his path. In addition to Strain theory juvenile delinquency another adaptation that is prevalent in strain theory is Conformity. People are taught at a young age the rules and punishment of society.

When an individual conforms they not only lose their individualistic ideals, but they allowing society to dictate their thoughts and emotions.

Juvenile Justice System Analysis

When a juvenile delinquent is established to a social group, such as a strain theory juvenile delinquency gang, they are no longer looked at as an outsider go here rather embraced into likeness as an insider or brotherhood.

Conformists are people who not only believe in the assumption of cultural achievements but also believe in the methods that allow them to reach them. The conforming processes are an easy route into societal norms and allow an individual to hide their true agenda of individualism. The last adaptation that comes into play is rebellion. This means they no longer adhere to any of societal rules but create their own. A prime example would be a hip hop artist. The juvenile delinquent listens to hip hop music which encourages him to party, sell drugs, and make money then more than likely he is going to want to follow that lifestyle.

Music influences everything in terms of strrain, norms, juevnile values.]

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