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Task identity and task significance Video

Compensation and Benefits Management - Week 1 - Part 1- GIFT University

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Task identity and task significance 18
Socio-cultural theory 834
task identity and task significance

Leading and Learning: Building Professional Capacity. NSB — Assessment Task 1. Page 2 of 6 Assessment Task 2. Assessment name: Building Professional Capacity. Task description: Your task for this piece of assessment is to critically discuss professional issues and leadership challenges for the graduate registered nurse and argue for realistic and achievable actions and goals. What you need to do to prepare: Read the TASK instructions carefully being sure that you understand all of the key words and directive terms. Engage with your groups online discussion on your allocated WIKI study group site. This is for all students enrolled in NSB How to write your paper. Analyse the WIKI discussion forum contributions in relation to self-awareness, identity development task identity and task significance mentoring and using the literature as a point of reference, discuss the significance of one of these professional development strategies in relation to transition to practice for task identity and task significance graduate registered nurse GRN.

Drawing from national and international literature, critically discuss the implications of the chosen professional development strategy for the graduate registered nurse working in a clinical environment in relation to achieving a work-life balance and developing a resilient approach to practice. Referring to your critical discussion in Step 2, develop 2 SMART goals one that aims to achieve work-life balance and the other a resilient approach to practice. Word length excludes in-text referencing, your reference list, direct quotes and appendices.

Please note: markers will not mark beyond the work limit. Suggested not mandatory word count structure. Introduction words 1. Discuss significance for the GRN words 2. Critically discuss in relation to work life balance and resilience words 3. Unreferenced material cannot be accepted as credible or accurate.

Exam (elaborations)

Assessment Support Engaging in the online Significahce study group will provide you with a rich source of discussion about the content and topic area, and an opportunity to ask questions. Go to Support for Learning on the Blackboard site or contact HiQ in the library for further advice on assessment support. Estimated time to complete task: 15 hours. Apply knowledge and skills of professionalism and strategic leadership in the context of the role of the new graduate registered nurse. Analyse and respond effectively to complex health situations and promote work-life balance and resilience to enable the provision of holistic, person-centred care.

Interpret and apply strategic thinking and key skills relating to intra- professional and inter-professional practice including conflict resolution, team functioning and advanced communication. Academic Integrity The School task identity and task significance Nursing takes academic integrity very seriously.

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All work submitted must be your own work. The work of others needs to be correctly acknowledged and referenced according to the APA guidelines. There are serious consequences that will be imposed should you be found to breach academic integrity. Maintaining academic integrity is your responsibility.

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If in doubt, check it carefully. Discusses the significance of your chosen strategy in relation to transitioning to practice as a GRN w ith insight and com prehensive understanding. The w riting is w ell supported by accurately referenced quality, highly relevant, and w task identity and task significance literature that exactly addressed the task. Discusses the significance of your chosen strategy in relation to transitioning to practice as a GRN from a w ell-reasoned and valid standpoint. W riting is supported by referenced literature relevant that clearly addressed the task. W riting is supported by appropriate and relevant literature that generally supported the choice and justification Broadly describes the chosen strategy in relation to an RN.

W riting w as loosely supported w ith som e literature that broadly related to the task.]

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