The culture industry: enlightenment as mass deception -

The culture industry: enlightenment as mass deception Video

What is Culture Industry? the culture industry: enlightenment as mass deception

Enlughtenment point was simple: excrement and death have long been associated in cultural history and in the Western imagination with the evil devil, Satan, the Lord of the underworld, the Trickster, the Grand Master who rules the pit of smelly death, the place below where bodies go. The psychoanalytic literature is full of examples of death anxiety revealed in anal dreams of shit-filled overflowing toilets and people pissing in their pants.

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Ernest Becker put it simply in Th e Denial of Death :. So too the Western classics from Aeschylus to Melville.

the culture industry: enlightenment as mass deception

The demonic has an ancient pedigree and has various names. Rational people tend to dismiss all this as superstitious nonsense.

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This is hubris. Furies always exact their revenge when their existence is denied.

For they are part of ourselves, not alien beings, as the tragedy of human history has shown us time and again. Since excremental visions and the fear of death haunt humans — the skull at the banquet as William James put it — the perfect symbol of protection is toilet paper that will keep you safe and clean and free of any reminder of the fear of death running through a panicked world.

One year later, magical thinking has taken a different form and my earlier flippancy has turned darker.

the culture industry: enlightenment as mass deception

At least toilet paper serves a practical function. The RNA inoculations are not vaccines.

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To say they are is bullshit and has nothing to do with cows. To call them vaccines is linguistic mind control. When they were approved recently by the FDA that was made clear. What does that tell us? Not that they mean well, but that they are evil and have evil intentions. Does this sound too extreme? Radically evil? Come on! Do these people even know if the virus has ever the culture industry: enlightenment as mass deception isolated? If you want facts, I will not provide them here. But such facts are readily available from excellent alternative media publications.

Or go to Robert Kennedy, Jr. Perhaps you think these sites are right-wing propaganda because many articles they publish can also be read or heard at some conservative media. If so, you need to start thinking rather than reacting. I have spent my entire life being accused of being a left-wing nut, but now I am being told I am a right-wing nut even though my writing appears in many leftist publications. Is that a right-wing question? Of course not. I do think we are today in the grip of radical evil, demonic forces. The refusal to see and accept this is not new.

the culture industry: enlightenment as mass deception

As the eminent theologian, David Ray Griffin, has argued, the American Empire, with its quest for world domination and its long and ongoing slaughters at home and abroad, is clearly demonic; it is driven by the forces of death symbolized by Satan. Enligjtenment have spent many years trying to understand why so many good people have refused to see and accept this and have needed to ply a middle course over many decades. The safe path. Believing in the benevolence of their rulers. When I say radical evil, Click mean it in the deepest spiritual sense.]

One thought on “The culture industry: enlightenment as mass deception

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  3. Very good idea

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