The personality of jesus -

The personality of jesus Video

The Characteristics of Jesus - 52 Weeks of Jesus the personality of jesus

Jesus was a three-dimensional person! Which means He had a personality. Related Post: Who is Jesus Christ. The first step is to perdonality the religious costume that the Church has put on Jesus, the the personality of jesus glass, the white robe and sandals, the super-spiritual Jesus.

If you just take off the religious costume, you realize He was, to begin with, a man. His humanity is real, and you start looking for his personality in these stories… his playfulness, his cunning, his disruptive honesty. The more that you come to know Jesus for who He is, loving Him is not a problem.

The most important thought you will ever have is what you think about Jesus. Reading the Gospels without the personality of Jesus is like watching television with the sound turned off. Maybe Jesus is playful. Jewish humor often employed witty hyperbole—clever, startling, persomality statements—to get a laugh. Jesus had fun!

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If this is the case, they are not free to have fun. Fear stands guard around their hearts, which keeps them in bondage. These things working together will make you angry, which is a set up for a trap. In time, you will overreact by throwing off the of religion and begin acting like the world.

What was Jesus like?

It was full of large fish,but even with so many, the net was not torn. John The Christian image of Jesus is draped in hyper-spiritual religiousness. Jesus was about relationships, not religion. Look at how He acts after His resurrection.

the personality of jesus

He spends a good bit of time still the personality of jesus his disciples. The way that He relates to them is so human. He does this marvelous thing where He repeats the same story of how they met Him. The way that these guys got pulled into being disciples was the miraculous catch of fish on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. He does it again. Then, what does He do? Jesus does not even show up in the temple after the resurrection. This is the resurrected Christ. This is post-redemption. A bland, religious Jesus leads to a bland, religious church. He is concerned about those at table with him and serves them, responding to their need for food, healing, teaching, or correction. He coveted their fellowship, taught them, and helped them focus on what was eternal.]

the personality of jesus

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