The ugly truth online -

the ugly truth online

Online bullying and fat shaming are still an issue. I received this barrage of abuse on what would have been, should have been, an ordinary morning but what quickly turned into a nightmare unfolding right in front of my eyes.

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Yes, his understanding of the English language and punctuation was not great, but the message came across loud and clear. I wouldn't be able to share clothes with anyone because if they were to try on a shirt the ugly truth online mine, they would be swimming in it. And I have — like so many others — stood in the mirror and pinched the fat on my belly or thighs, wishing it away.

For the past few years, I've tried on and off to make changes in my life, and honestly I thought I was doing an okay job.

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I'd lost weight here and there, but my main goal was to rethink my relationship with food and exercise — and I hoped the benefits would follow. Until I received those messages from an account called Klimson — someone I had never heard of or met in my life.

the ugly truth online

While I managed to take the messages somewhat in my stride, I know a lot of people might not have reacted the same way. What if he had sent this to a year-old girl who was struggling with her body image? What if I had received this when I was a teenager?


Would I have reacted the same way? Certainly not. What — and yes, this is a rhetorical question — gives someone the right to tear down a stranger they have never met before? How can someone who has no idea about who I am, or my story, or whether I am in a relationship or not — think such behaviour is okay?

the ugly truth online

There are thousands of women around the world — of all different ages and backgrounds — who are right this second wishing they were different. For the record, I did not respond to this man. I almost did — because I wanted to — but I chose the best revenge, which is to be happy oonline my own skin.]

the ugly truth online

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