Tyranny nexus - digitales.com.au

Tyranny nexus - pity, that

All the time that he is a leper and unclean, he shall dwell without the camp. We are going to compare the ambiguousness of diagnoses which are in stark contrast to the determination of all governments to implement total control in order to eradicate a pandemic. In , we are told that Covid is so deadly that they have to halt the entire world until everyone is vaccinated and the world economy is transformed in the Great Reset. Leprosy policies in the Middle Ages could be called the blueprint of medical social control. Leprosy is the oldest disease mentioned in historical and sacred texts, the appearances and symptoms were changing through the centuries, modern physicians believe the skin disease called leprosy in the old Testament was probably not actual leprosy. What is always consistent through the millennia is that the victims were shunned, isolated, persecuted or killed, whether they were sick or not.

Tyranny nexus Video

Nexus Inferis - Tremor tyranny nexus.

Most of Asia, India and Australia are already well under control.

Globalists Reset Agenda set to fail in America

Africa is almost an afterthoughtconsidering Africa is where many suspect vaccines are tested. America represents the only significant obstacle to the agenda. Conservative Americans in particular have been a thorn in the side of the globalists for generations, and tyranny nexus really comes down to a simple matter of mutual exclusion: You cannot have an openly globalist society and conservative ideals at the same time in the same place. It is impossible. None of these ideals can exist in a globalist world because globalism is at its core the pursuit of a fully centralized tyranny. There are people on this planet that are not satisfied to merely live their lives, take care of their nexuz tyranny nexus make their mark peacefully.

They crave power over all else.

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They desperately want control over tyranny nexus, over me, over everything, and they will use any means at their disposal to get it. I would compare it to a kind of drug addiction; globalists are like crack addicts, they can never get enough power, there is always something more to take. But really, when we witness their methods it becomes clear that they have no noble aspirations. They have no empathy or honor. They tyranny nexus care about themselves and their delusions of grandeur. These people are a cancer on the rest of civilization. They seem to be particularly ndxus with deconstructing and sabotaging America in the pursuit of their global Reset. You are not allowed to walk away from them.

You are not allowed to do things your own way. You must be forced to comply.]

One thought on “Tyranny nexus

  1. It is simply ridiculous.

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