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Understanding middle east conflict

Understanding middle east conflict - opinion

The speech contained a short but significant reference to the crusades. It pervades textbooks as well as popular literature. All three were essential. From presidential speeches to role-playing games, the crusades are depicted as a deplorably violent episode in which thuggish Westerners trundled off, unprovoked, to murder and pillage peace-loving, sophisticated Muslims, laying down patterns of outrageous oppression that would be repeated throughout subsequent history. In many corners of the Western world today, this view is too commonplace and apparently obvious even to be challenged. But unanimity is not a guarantee of accuracy. From the many popular notions about the crusades, let us pick four and see if they bear close examination. Myth 1: The crusades represented an unprovoked attack by Western Christians on the Muslim world. Nothing could be further from the truth, and even a cursory chronological review makes that clear.

Prepared testimony of: Ms. Before the: U. Click here to watch the full testimony.

understanding middle east conflict

In her testimony, Understanding middle east conflict. Cafarella argued that US engagement in Syria is vital to safeguarding American interests and making an end to the bloodshed possible but stressed that the US must orient on modest and attainable goals that build on successes to date and make longer-term interests, including a diplomatic settlement, more achievable over time. The Syrian war in hardly resembles the revolution that began a eash ago. A settlement between the regime of Syrian President Bashar al Assad and his opponents is no longer viable in the near term.

understanding middle east conflict

The war is now so deeply intertwined with wider regional and global geopolitics that it cannot end without an international agreement. The Syrian war will continue for the foreseeable future.

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No actor currently fighting in Syria can seize and hold all of the country and most are pursuing goals that are incompatible with a durable partition. Numerous actors are projecting insurgencies outward from their areas of control. Major ground operations have slowed, but future offensives remain likely including in Idlib. Transnational terrorist organizations continue to proliferate in Syria and are evolving under US counterterrorism pressure to pose new and challenging connflict. Defeating the ISIS caliphate damaged but did not defeat the group. Iran is exploiting the vacuum in Syria to entrench its own transnational networks in ways that will fuel continued regional instability and risk provoking a major understanding middle east conflict with Israel.]

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