What was the reagan doctrine - digitales.com.au

What was the reagan doctrine - words

The Reagan Doctrine was a strategy implemented by U. Prominent examples of implementation of the Reagan Doctrine included Nicaragua, where the United States covertly assisted the Contra rebels fighting to oust the Cuban-backed Sandinista government, and Afghanistan, where the U. In , Congress learned that the Reagan administration had acted illegally in secretly selling arms to the Nicaraguan rebels. The resulting infamous Iran-Contra affair , while a personal embarrassment and political setback to Reagan, failed to slow the continued implementation of his anti-communist policy during the presidency of George H. During the late s, President Harry S. Eisenhower committing the United States to actively attempt to reverse the political influence of the Soviet Union. As Reagan first took office, Cold War tensions had reached their highest point since the Cuban Missile Crisis in In his opening remarks on foreign policy, he dramatically declared. Gorbachev, open this gate. Gorbachev, tear down this wall! what was the reagan doctrine. what was the reagan doctrine

Bythere was rough nuclear parity, and the Soviets, with divisions, had superiority of land forces. Reagan campaigned on building the U. Navy to ships and using it for purposes beyond merely keeping sea lanes open to deliver supplies for land forces.

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Those purposes included signaling Link. And eventually under the Arctic ice pack, where wuat Soviets had hoped to hide nuclear ballistic missile submarines. By the end ofwith the Soviets having learned that they could not interfere with U. Connect with the definitive source for global and local news. The Associated Press.

what was the reagan doctrine

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