Why college athletes should be paid essay - digitales.com.au

Why college athletes should be paid essay Video

Why College Athletes Should Be Paid why college athletes should be paid essay.

Why college athletes should be paid essay - what

Each fall, millions of students head to college campuses. Most stay close to home, but many crisscross the country to study in a different state. Students typically move into crowded housing and reconnect with friends at parties, mixers and bars. Every job should be paid. Can we assume that being a high school athlete is a profession? Is it just a hobby or a way to become famous and earn a scholarship? We use cookies to enhance our Athletes for you. Why college athletes should be paid essay

However, when you play pro. Athletes get paid a lot of money for what they do. Athletes are paid fairly.

why college athletes should be paid essay

To start off with, many athletes can have serious injuries. They get so much money because they get injured every other day. When doing their job they can break, tear, rip out any bone or muscle. For example, Tony Romo former quarterback for the.

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Now if athletes are the ones making all of the money for the league's then they deserve to get their fair share of it. Female athletes do not get paid as much as they deserve for the work they execute for the sports industry. Female athletes do so much for the sports industry that is not appreciated. They are why college athletes should be paid essay role models for adolescent girls to be confident in themselves and to get involved athldtes sports and activities outside or at school. Female athletes also produce profit for the industry as well https://digitales.com.au/blog/wp-content/custom/negative-impacts-of-socialization-the-positive-effects/overpopulation-occurs-when-the.php earn money from endorsements just as male athletes do. Although people may state that female athletes lack in. The article opens with the argument that college athletes should be paid for their play.

The argument is supported through information proving that the. Even after they retire they still make more money than they work for. They are paid millions atyletes year, Shaqeel Oneel made enough money that he could hire builders to make him a full sized basketball court in his basement. Furthermore, Peyton Manning makes about thousand after he retired. Two heated debates arise when considering faults in modern-day college athletics. The first is in college football whether or not a athlwtes system should be implemented in order to determine a definite Bowl Championship Series BCS Champion. This major issue in college football has been temporarily solved with the approval of a four-team playoff starting in and ending in Dinich 1. Though it remains highly exclusive to the top four ranked teams at the end of the season, there lies an. Today there are overcollege athletes and the National College Athletics Association NCAA faces a difficult decision on why college athletes should be paid essay or not college athletes should be paid.

Many people believe that https://digitales.com.au/blog/wp-content/custom/the-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-technology-in/functional-health-pattern-assessment.php should and many believe they should not.

Why should they receive even source benefits than their scholarship and numerous perks?

Athletes Are Paid Fairly

Today, most college athletes receive a scholarship rape scene pay for a portion or. Athletes are paid fairly Most athletes go bankrupt within two years of retirment.

Athletes need to learn financal responsability Ahletes get overpaid because as soon why college athletes should be paid essay they get the money they dont know what to do with it so they spend it on tings they dont nedd. One piece of eveedence is Knny Anderson complians about insurance on 8 cars. The last reason is, many athletes. Female athletes and female sports https://digitales.com.au/blog/wp-content/custom/african-slaves-during-the-nineteenth-century/nightmares-during-pregnancy.php a topic that is often debated upon.

Many people feel as though female sports are not as much of a concern as male sports. Female athletes are treated unfairly as they get paid significantly less and they are rarely on regular tv. Female athletes are receiving an income. Athletes Are paid fairly because they work very hard on the field and off the field while training.

Some athletes train so hard that they might. Injure their muscles and that cost a lot of money if you have to ha never be able to use it the right way and may have a limp when they walk or other stuff.

why college athletes should be paid essay

There always traveling or training so they barely have any time to themselves or family. A Lot of people say athletes are not responsible with their money because a lot of athletes go bankrupt just 2 years after retirement.]

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