Why the death penalty should be legal - digitales.com.au

Why the death penalty should be legal why the death penalty should be legal

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The death penalty has been a controversial topic throughout the years and now more than ever, as we argue; Right or Wrong? Moral or Immoral? Constitutional or Unconstitutional?

why the death penalty should be legal

The death penalty also known as capital punishment is a legal process where the state justice sentences an individual to be executed as punishment for a crime committed. The death penalty sentence strongly depends on the severity of the crime, in the US there are 41 crimes that can lead to being punishable by the death https://digitales.com.au/blog/wp-content/custom/japan-s-impact-on-japan/max-weber-theory-of-social-stratification.php. These 41 crimes always involve murder, high protected social class human beings, or children.

why the death penalty should be legal

There are many ways a person can be executed, in today the most commonly used way to execute a criminal is known as the lethal injection, that when injected, it immediately paralyzes all parts of the body, including the heart causing the inmate to rapidly die. As to back then, during the 19th century and way before, the most used execution method was firing squad and hanging. A firing link is a group of soldiers who are ordered to kill an individual that has been condemned.

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Others ways people are executed includes electrocution; electric shock passing through the body till they die. Also gas chamber, a room filled with poisonous gas to kill the criminal. The death penalty originated back in the 18th Century BC in Britain, which influenced America to do the same.

why the death penalty should be legal

Kendall was executed by firing squad, which was one of the early methods of capital punishment. Since Kendall to present, there has been on average 15, executions in the US. It is said that the state with the highest execution right now is Texas.]

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