
Can you lose weight on nortriptyline

can you lose weight on nortriptyline

If not, your doctor can suggest what you should do to offset the weight gain. “There’s evidence that a low-carb diet and more exercise may help,” says Sue DeCotiis, MD, a board-certified. why do you lose weight when you have diabetes The Yellow Emperor''s Classic of Internal Medicine, is a fundamental ancient text in Chinese medicine and a major book of Daoist philosophy and lifestyle. It is generally dated to the late Warring States period (– BCE) and the Western Han dynasty ( BCE-8 CE). Mar 24,  · Can weight gain caused by antidepressants be prevented? It may be possible to prevent weight gain that results from treatment with antidepressants. Some medications, as noted above, are less likely to cause weight gain, so switching to one of these medications may help some patients. Lowering the dose of the medication may also help.

Can you lose weight on nortriptyline are other side effects and factors to consider when choosing an antidepressant. Tell your doctor if you have ever taken any medicines for depression.

can you lose weight on nortriptyline

Speak to your doctor if you become pregnant while taking nortriptyline. The study participants were taking Cymbalta to treat clinical depression.

can you lose weight on nortriptyline

Related Coverage. When to see a doctor. There's no clear evidence to suggest that nortriptyline affects fertility in either men or women. Medically reviewed continue reading Nottriptyline Westphalen, Pharm. From the above research, it appears that Cymbalta is more likely to cause weight loss in the short-term, possibly due to changes in appetite. Of the three MAOIs listed above, phenelzine is the most likely to result in weight gain, according to a review.

For depression in teenagers 12 to 17 yearsthe dose is usually increased gradually to 30mg to 50mg a day, but higher doses may be needed. They can include sweating, being sick, feeling anxious, and difficulty falling asleep.

can you lose weight on nortriptyline

They then began to gradually regain weight in the sixth and eighth weeks. Losing or maintaining weight can be challenging, especially with can you lose weight on nortriptyline many tasty food options available.

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It is important to speak to a doctor before stopping the medication. According to a study on the long-term effects of antidepressant use, even when people gain weight from taking these medications, it is usually only a modest amount. Do not try to force the flow of urine. All about antidepressants.

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Nortriptyline Weight Loss can you lose weight on nortriptyline Share on Pinterest See more can cause diarrhea and constipation.

Mental illness can be invisible, but it can be visual, too.

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These include:. When to see a doctor.

can you lose weight on nortriptyline

Will it affect my fertility? Keep reading to learn more about ED and Zoloft. Back to Medicines A to Z.

5 thoughts on “Can you lose weight on nortriptyline

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