
Valtrex side effects weight gain

valtrex side effects weight gain

Jun 25,  · Valtrex is available in generic form. Side effects of Valtrex include: headache, dizziness, tired feeling, depression, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, joint pain, menstrual pain, skin rash, stuffy nose, or sore throat. The dose of Valtrex depends on the condition being treated. Valtrex is taken as caplets that may be taken with or without food. Although Valtrex does not commonly cause weight loss, this doesn't mean that weight loss never occurs for someone using this medication. Three common side effects of Valtrex include nausea, stomach pain and vomiting. Valtrex and Weight Gain Weight gain does not appear to be a common or rare side effect of Valtrex. This portion of the eMedTV library explores the link between Valtrex and weight gain, and offers things to do if you notice weight gain, such as eating a heart-healthy diet. Home eMedTV Home Herpes Home Switch To Mobile View Health Topics.

Before Using

I have actually taken meds for anxiety they saved me from severe anxiety but have switched many, many times sied to weight gain issues. Log in to leave a comment. While this valtrex side effects weight gain is common, it is unlikely that a doctor would valtrex side effects weight gain Valtrex as abreva burn your skin weight-loss aid since weight loss is not a common side effect of the medication. In these cases, your doctor may want to change the dose, or see more precautions may be necessary.

These side effects may go away during treatment as your body adjusts to the medicine. In fact, the information that comes with Valtrex warns that you should not drive a car or operate heavy vvaltrex until you know the effects of the drug on you. Weigh the potential benefits against the potential risks before taking this medication while breastfeeding. My doctor recently switched me to Bystolic - and I was given "samples" for a month but no instruction sheet or counter-indications as far as drug interaction. All rights reserved.

valtrex side effects weight gain

Normally early 20s you gain weight and weighh in mids where it becomes hard to lose valtrex side effects weight gain weight. This is effectx until the sores are completely healed and the scabs have fallen off. They might do things like reduce stress, eat a diet for herpesor use supplements. Therefore, it is best to avoid any sexual activity if either you or your sexual partner has this web page symptoms of herpes. The Dr gave me Effexor which knocked me out for 3 days, slept 36 hours straight, then Celexa which I broke out in a rash all over my body slde. Doctors prescribe a medication for an visit web page purpose when they know that a medication has a common side effect that they believe would benefit their patient.

A pharmacist is counseling a patient. You need to get your T3, t4 and TSH level checked as it may be in initial phase. About Valtrex and its Uses Valtrex is an antiviral medication that is usually prescribed for valtrex side effects weight gain viruses. valtrex side effects weight gain

Valtrex side effects weight gain - simply

You might discuss changing drugs with your Oncologist as there are others available but keep in mind that they all have similar side effecfts even though you mjight not experience them to the same degree.

Using this medicine with any of the following medicines is usually not recommended, but may be required in some cases. I'll tell you a funny story- my first week on Lyrica- I accidentally backed out valtres my garage when the garage door was only half way open. The weight gain no doubt is due to fluid wide which is one of the valtrex side effects weight gain effects. All Dating Safe Sex Stigma. Information is for End User's use only and may not be sold, redistributed or otherwise used for commercial purposes. It can be used immediately to treat an outbreak or on a daily basis to prevent outbreaks.

Use of see more antiviral drug Acyclovir can cause Valtrex side effects weight gain in some cases alopecia is a loss of hair from the head or bodyaccording to a study published in January in the Middle East African Journal of Opthalmology 1. Password recovery.

Off-label Prescribing

If you are taking valacyclovir for the treatment of chickenpox, it is best to start taking valacyclovir as soon as possible after the first sign of the chickenpox rash appears, usually within one day. Would there be any problem with the above that I am taking and this drug?

valtrex side effects weight gain

Valtrex weight loss. Always explore all other weight loss options and research potential risks with your doctor before taking a weight-loss medication.

valtrex side effects weight gain

Going by personal testimonies online, it seems the most commonly cited Valtrex side effects include itchy skin, dehydration and thirst, and mild disorientation in some people.

Video Guide

Valtrex (Valacyclovir) : Know Your Drug Would love to read your experiences and feedback. You've chosen to clear all of your selected topics. This means that medications such as valacyclovir Valtrex are effective in treating shingles and commonly prescribed by doctors. This will keep your kidneys working well and help prevent kidney problems. The weight gaining effect of this drug will not persist after discontinuation.

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