
How long should you take zetia

Zetia side effects can be quite serious, especially in high doses. They can include severe muscle pain and kidney damage, among other significant adverse reactions. A natural alternative for lowering LDL cholesterol may be a much safer option Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins. Jan 21,  · I have been taking Zetia for about 2 weeks and have severe pain in my side. stopped taking it last night. How long for these side effects to alleviate.? LE. lesgreen 24 Apr I have been taking Zetia for about 2 weeks and have severe pain in my side. stopped taking it last night. How long for these side effects to alleviate.? SU. Jan 05,  · Started taking zetia October have high LDL of and took for about 7 months cant take statins attacks,my mus less tred them all. My joints started hurting like it was attacking my tendons Reviews:

After a how long should you take zetia my Dr suggested I tried Zetia, no side effects I was told.

Back on Zetia for 2 days now and still juicing. Kind of like getting out of a swimming pool - the water is still pulling on you at least it feels like it is as you step out. His response I took one dose of Zetia at night, when I woke the next morning, I could barely think, my vision was blurred tng replica I had a bad headache. They say the understand, but I'm not sure that is so. No sh. Am I the only one having this negative reaction?

I have had the exact same pain described by most of the other posters, severe cramping, horrible left sided arm and hip pain. You click here read about that on the site as well. Posted by Karen Strader on May 31, My eyes water. Although Zetia and other prescription drugs can lower LDL levels, there are natural alternatives which may be a better, safer option for you. My doctor called me today and he has told me to stop taking the. I went to my doctor in agony with the pain in neck and upper back spasms. I got off balance and had to shuffle my feet to walk. I sure hope like hell this medicine didn't do any permanent damage! How just click for source will this aching last?

One glass of wine a night. No thanks. Maybe once off it I can walk and move and lower my cholesterol this way. This time Doc put me on trial supply of Zetia with the idea that it works in the intestines and that I should experience no joint pain. I trusted my cardiologist to prescribe this but I am done with these drugs. My high cholesterol is genetic.

What is Zetia and how does it lower cholesterol?

My doctor source Zetia touting the effectiveness. Posted by Kathy on September 22, They are causing more damage then good with this medicine. I hate any cholesterol lowering drugs. How long should you take zetia by Judy on March 28, My dr is always after me about cholesterol levels how long should you take zetia high.

How long should you take zetia - And

Most of these comments on here are a few years old, yet my Dr or pharmacist didn't inform me of these side effects. I took Stevia for 21 days and the past three days were hell, felt flu symptoms which i didn't know was a part of this medicine then, went into mood swings, depression, nausea among shkuld issues of feeling cloudiness.

What are the Zetia side effects?

As long as you take it once a day and follow your doctor's dosage instructions, it should be straightforward to take. I have genetically high LDL, since at least my teens, and have never had a "normal" level. Related Articles. Serritells on January 17, I was awakened just before midnight with the worst muscle pain I've ever experienced, from my feet to my thighs. After taking it tkae three 3 days my left leg started gou.

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After about 2 months, I had severe abdominal pain. Posted by Cecelia Melton on July 21, Sign me angry and hurt. Just went for blood work and I was back up to ! Posted by E. I am going to stick with my high cholesterol.

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