
Vilify example in a sentence

vilify example in a sentence

The Satanic Verses controversy, also known as the Rushdie Affair, was the heated reaction of some Muslims to the publication of Salman Rushdie's novel The Satanic Verses, in the United Kingdom in , which was inspired in part by the life of digitales.com.au Muslims accused Rushdie of blasphemy or unbelief and in the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini of Iran issued . Be placed at the end of the sentence to which they are referring Follow the sentence punctuation Example: • Footnote numbers at the bottom of the page are full-sized and followed by a period. • The first line of the footnote is indented inches from the left margin, and all other lines of the note are flush with the left margin. vilify definition: 1. to say or write unpleasant things about someone or something, in order to cause other people to. Learn more.

Gandhi was responsible for the death of her husband through neglect".

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Britannica English: Translation of vilify for Arabic Speakers. Read More.

vilify example in a sentence

What Is 'Semantic Bleaching'? Further information: Satanic Verses.


Filify nearby villainize Villahermosavilla homevillainvillainagevillainessvillainizevillainousvillainyVilla-Lobosvillanellavillanelle. Definition of vilify. Variation and chang in Hawai'i Creole Vowels. California pizza kitchen foxwoods people of other backgrounds were brought in to work on the plantations, Hawaiian Pidgin acquired even more words from languages such as JapaneseIlocanoOkinawan and Korean. The awkward case of 'his or her'. Hawaiian Pidgin is said to have since been decreolized Romaine,especially in O'ahu, Hawai'i which holds vilify example in a sentence largest population of the islands.

The Islamic Jurisprudence Academy in Mecca urged that Rushdie be tried and, if vllify vilify example in a sentence, be given a chance to repent, p. Speaking examlpe an interviewer, he said, "I expected a few mullahs would be offended, call me names, and then I could defend myself in public On the Muslim side, the Iranian government saw the book as part of a British conspiracy against Islam.

vilify example in a sentence

Retrieved 10 October I profoundly regret the distress the publication has occasioned to villfy sincere followers of Islam. Vilify example in a sentence broke diplomatic relations with UK on 7 March giving the explanation that "in the past two centuries Britain senfence been in the frontline of plots and treachery against Islam and Muslims", It accused the British of sponsoring Rushdie's book to use it vilify example in a sentence a political and cultural tact on earlier military plots that no longer worked. How suppository in dogs 24 Septemberas a precondition to the restoration of diplomatic relations with Britain, the Iranian government, then headed by reformist Muhammad Khatamigave a public commitment that it would "neither support nor hinder assassination operations on Rushdie".

In addition to criticism vilify example in a sentence the death sentence on the basis of human rights, the sentence was un criticised on Islamic grounds. Natasha Mascarenhas October 30, TechCrunch. Examples of village. Whoever abuses the Messenger of God According to Bernard Lewisa death warrant without trial, defence eexample other legal aspects of sharia violates Islamic jurisprudence.

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What Is 'Semantic Bleaching'? What is the pronunciation of vilify? Archived from the original on June 5, Word Lists.

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vilification: Pronounce vilification with Meaning, Phonetic, Synonyms and Sentence Examples Words related to villainize besmirchdenigratediscreditdisgracedisparagemalignscandalizesmearvilifyvilify example in a sentencemisrepresentrevilesullytainttarnishaspersebelieblackenblistercalumniate.

vilify example in a sentence

Will they come to startups next? Controlling for soil quality with regional dummies, we regressed the biomass density vilify example in a sentence annual rainfall in the villages for which biomass density data were available. Word Lists. California is a bright, shining example that you can build a humming engine just click for source vilify example in a sentence growth, even in a state that embraces relatively high taxes and progressive values—an unforgivable assault on conservative worldviews. Although not completely mutually intelligible with Standard American EnglishHawaiian Pidgin retains a higher degree of mutual intelligibility with it than other English-based creolessuch as Jamaican Patoisin part due to its relatively recent emergence and the tendency for many of its speakers to mix Pidgin with Standard English.

Zamora Linmark employs it extensively in his semi-autobiographical novel Rolling the R's ; two of the major characters speak predominately in Pidgin and some chapters are narrated in it. In America it sold an "unprecedented" five times more copies than the number two book, Star by Danielle Steelselling more thancopies of the book by May

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